

Primary LanguageR


This repository contains the code for the programming assignment of the course "Getting and Cleaning Data" of the Data Science Specialisation track

From the instructions


You should create one R script called run_analysis.R that does the following.

  • Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
  • Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
  • Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
  • Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive activity names.
  • Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.


  • Please clone this repository to a directory <dir>
  • Please download the data set, find url above, and unpack it into <dir>
  • now you should have a file called "run_analysis.R" and a directory called "UCI HAR Dataset" in the same directory <dir>
  • please set your working directory to <dir>, in order to do this use setwd(<full path to dir>)
  • if you now type dir() into the R console prompt you should see at least the following two entries
    • [1] "run_analysis.R"
    • [2] "UCI HAR Dataset"
  • Please install library "plyr" from the R command line with: install.packages("plyr")

We will call the directory "./UCI HAR Dataset" our <basedir>


  • I use the notation <varname> to denote a variable with the name "varname". the actual bound value to such a variable should be clear from the context.
  • Files with a relative path like ./run_analysis.R always refer to an appropriately set working directory


Please source in the file ./run_analysis.R. It will automatically run the code. It will produce two files

  • [1] ./resultA.txt: File that contains the merged dataset
  • [2] ./resultB.txt: File that contains the "data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject"


1st file

For the first task, "the merged" dataset with only "std or mean" columns and "descriptive" activites we go in function "main"

Result will be file "resultA.txt"

only "std or mean"

  1. Load the file "features.txt" which contains all possible feature, see function "loadFeaturesFile()"
  2. Build a col-class vector, see function "findColClassVector". To find the std and mean features I use two regexps which you can easily find in my const constants-list. In the end the vector contains:
    • "NULL" for all features that are not selected to be "std" or "mean"
    • "numeric" otherwise
  3. The coll class-vector has been named with the feature names
  4. It will be used to selectively load columns with read.table

add subjects and activities

with the found "col-classes and names" vector we load data for <dataset> in {"train", "test"}, see function "loadJoinedDataSet"

  • the file <basedir>/<dataset>/X_<dataset>.txt - appyling the col classes on read.table, we end up with only the necessary columns being loaded, leaving everything else away from the begining
  • the file <basedir>/<dataset>/y_<dataset>.txt - add it as factor column, using <basedir>/activities.txt to create the factor-labels; column name "activities"
  • the file <basedir>/<dataset>/subject_<dataset>.txt - add it as column; column name "subject"


finally we join both datasets to just one with columns: subject|activities|all std/mean columns from X_<dataset>.txt

2nd file

For the second task, i.e. doing the data.frame equivalent of SQL "Select avg(*) group by subject and activities" we use the output of the first file and just go:

DF2<-ddply(r,.(subject, activities), numcolwise(mean))

Result will be "resultB.txt"