Cheap Themes adds dead easy theming support for Rails views and also a way of customizing controller actions on per-theme basis.
- agileFTW, TX
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- bhauman
- daveliu
- delamekoStubgun
- elcontrastadorOneInterface Engineering, LLC
- evanwalsh@harvesthq
- farukcaModaltrans
- fytzzzmontnets
- hnchuongThe Access Group
- hubertlepickiAmberBit Ruby on Rails & Elixir web development
- humandoinghumandoing software
- jivkoSofia, Bulgaria
- kovacsSan Francisco, CA
- lazybiosBeijing, China
- lmcmulle
- MarkoZabcicEffectiva studio
- mattdbSitespark Interactive
- mayoral@Affirm
- migLivingSocial
- mikezaschkap36 GmbH
- molpeMadrid
- n3bulousColorado
- nilesh@neksuslabs
- reagent@vericred
- rsandersAtlanta, GA
- satynos
- ShreeMandadiSan Diego, CA, USA
- tcoccaBoston Logic Technology Partners, Inc.
- undersFunctionbox
- vdbiltJobport
- veverkapthis one