Primary LanguagePython

Class-wise Shapley value-based Augmentation (CSA)

This is the official implementation for NeurIPS2022 paper:

Rethinking and Improving Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks: a Shapley Value-based Approach in Frequency Domain

Yiting Chen, Qibing Ren and Junchi Yan

Install Requirements

The codebase is built and tested with Python 3.9.5. To install required packages:

pip install -r requrements.txt

Calculate the Shapley value

To sample Shapley value, the first step is to train a ST model via

python train_model.py --config config/train_model.yaml

The checkpoint of the trained model will be saved in ./output/$date_of_the_time/train_model.yaml/params/

Change the shapley.model_path in config/Shapley.yaml to the path of checkpoint at the last epoch and sample the Shapley value via.

python Shapley_softmax.py --config config/Shapley.yaml

The results would be saved in ./output/$date_of_the_time/Shapley.yaml/shap_result

Train AT models with CSA

To train At models with CSA, the first step is get the NFCs and PFCs of each data sample:

python Reconstruct.py --shap_path ./output/$date_of_the_time/Shapley.yaml

where the reconstructed images of the NFCs and the PFCs of each data sample will be stored in ./output/$date_of_the_time/Shapley.yaml/ifft

You could also download the generated files here

Change the train.conf_path in config/madrys_CIFAR10_ResNet18_csa.yaml and config/trades_CIFAR10_ResNet18_csa.yaml to the path ./output/$date_of_the_time/Shapley.yaml/ifft or where ever you place the reconstructed images.

Train a ResNet18 under PGD-AT with CSA:

python train_model_adv_csa.py --config config/madrys_CIFAR10_ResNet18_csa.yaml

Train a ResNet18 under TRADES with CSA:

python train_model_adv_csa.py --config config/trades_CIFAR10_ResNet18_csa.yaml

We also provide checkpoints of model at the last epoch:

Methods Clean Acc Acc under PGD-20 Acc under Auto attack Checkpoint
PGD-AT 84.49 46.38 44.06 ResNet18
PGD-AT+CSA 82.91 49.42 46.56 ResNet18
TRADES 81.71 51.08 47.74 ResNet18
TRADES+CSA 81.62 52.06 49.16 ResNet18