Simple DNSCrypt is a simple management tool to configure dnscrypt-proxy on windows based systems.
New version based on dnscrypt-proxy 2.0.19
Download x86 (preview, unsigned portable version) - AppVeyor Build
Download x64 (preview, unsigned portable version) - AppVeyor Build
At least one system with Windows 7 SP1 and the installation of. NET Framework 4.6.1 is currently required.
You also will need: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 x64 or x86
To install Simple DNSCrypt use the latest (stable) MSI packages: x86 or x64. (maintained by @chantisnake)
The MSI package and the SimpleDnsCrypt.exe are signed via a COMODO RSA Code Signing CA. The files are signed under the name: Christian Hermann
You also can verify the MSI packages with minisign. The minisign signatures x86 and x64 can be verified with the following command:
minisign -Vm SimpleDNSCrypt.msi -P RWTSM+4BNNvkZPNkHgE88ETlhWa+0HDzU5CN8TvbyvmhVUcr6aQXfssV
minisign -Vm SimpleDNSCrypt64.msi -P RWTSM+4BNNvkZPNkHgE88ETlhWa+0HDzU5CN8TvbyvmhVUcr6aQXfssV
To uninstall Simple DNSCrypt and dnscrypt-proxy, just go to the Windows Control Panel (Programs and Features) and search for Simple DNSCrypt.
Simple DNSCrypt will automatically search for the latest version at startup.
Translations are created with POEditor. If you can add or correct a language, feel free to do so:
- Christian Hermann - bitbeans
See also the list of who participated in this project. If you are a translator, feel free to update this file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Baseclass.Contrib.Nuget.Output
- Caliburn.Micro
- ControlzEx
- Costura.Fody
- DnsCrypt.Toolbox
- Fody
- helper-net
- MahApps.Metro
- MahApps.Metro.SimpleChildWindow
- minisign-net
- Nett
- Newtonsoft.Json
- NLog
- notifyicon-wpf
- libsodium-net
- WPFLocalizationExtension
- XAMLMarkupExtensions
- YamlDotNet
- Frank Denis for the development of dnscrypt-proxy
- all users, translators and contributors
- ReSharper for providing a free open source license
- POEditor for providing a free open source license
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contributors].
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