
New feature: Report output needed for Antibody

Opened this issue · 2 comments

We really NEED for the collaboration with Neil Kelleher’s affinity reagents working group for the Organ Mapping Antibody Panels (OMAP), is an output in the ASCT+B reporter that would perhaps give 3 columns of information:
column 1: protein biomarker name, column 2 : number of cell types in organ table that have that biomarker, column 3, comma delimited list of the cell type names. It seems like this might be “easy” to do? It is NOT currently able to do this.

We could then use this proposed output to help OMAP table authors determine which protein biomarkers would be best to use for their panels.

It would be good to have it for each organ table, but also the ability to do this across ALL organs.

Related project that would be good to complete: #187

Need HGNC to UniProt translation support

katyb commented