
Distribute scene objects' initialization process (i.e. Awake() calls) evenly throughout multiple frames, easing scene loading processes.

How to Use

  1. Put ObjectsPreWarmer.cs on a scene-level GameObject component.
  2. Select the GameObject, and press the lock icon on the inspector to lock the inspector view to the GameObject.
  3. Use shift-click to select multiple objects that you wish to be prewarmed into the field Pre Warm Objects.
  4. (Optional) You can change wheter you want to pre-warm during awake, the interval between awake processes (default interval is Time.deltaTime), and how many GameObjects you wish to prewarm during each operation.
  5. Enter Play Mode to see the pre-warm results.

How Does it Work

  • When a scene with a lot of GameObjects are loaded, the initialization calls can sometimes slow down the game at the beginning.
  • With ObjectsPreWarmer, you can even the initialization calls across multiple frames, optimizing scene loading processes.
  • Make sure this script runs first in each scene by changing the Script Execution Order, this is done with [DefaultExecutionOrder(-15)] in the script.