
Allows reddit moderators to mass unban users between a date range.

Script uses python3. You might need to change pip -> pip3 and python -> python3 commands as such.

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Replace values in praw-example.ini with your API information
  3. Rename praw-example.ini to praw.ini
  4. Edit the constants on the top of to specify dates and subreddit
  5. Run the script: python (Note: Don't worry. This will NOT affect any users yet.)
  6. You'll see all the users print out that are within the range you specified, to be unbanned
  7. If this is correct, un-comment (remove #) on line 25 to enable ban removal behavior
  8. Re-run the script: python
  9. Congrats. You've just unbanned thousands of users.