
One of my friends wanted to have a nsfw bot on his discord server but a lot of them are limited if you are not pay for it so i simply made one

Primary LanguagePython

Discord NSFW Bot

One of my friends wanted to have a nsfw bot on his discord server but a lot of them are limited if you are not pay for it so i simply made one.
Also it has an mp4 to gif converter.


pip3 install -r requirements.txt


First you have to create an app at the discord developer portal then you have to create a bot and paste it's token in the configs.json file.
Add a prefix for the commands for example: $.
If you want to use nudefrom command you have to register an app on reddit then replace the reddit_app_client_id with your app's client_id.
And replace reddit_praw_useragent with your app's description eg: discord random reddit post.
After that you can set your bot's status to be public or not.
Finally, at the oauth section you have to tick something for example bot, then visit the generated website to add the bot to your server.


nudefrom (subredditname) -> Get's a random nsfw picture/gif from the given subreddit
sxyprn_get (sortbynamecategoryname) -> Get's the latest video (sortbynames latest/views/rating/orgasmic) categorynames (all/top/other)
sxyprn_get_random (sortbynamecategoryname) -> Get's a random video (sortbynames latest/views/rating/orgasmic) categorynames (all/top/other)
sxyprn_get_random_latest -> Get's random latest video from the site
sxyprn_get_latest -> Get's the latest video from the site
sxyprn_get_random_most_viewed -> Get's a random most viewed video from the site
sxyprn_get_most_viewed -> Get's the most viewed video from the site
sxyprn_get_random_most_rated -> Get's a random most rated video from the site
sxyprn_get_most_rated -> Get's the top rated video from the site
sxyprn_get_random_most_orgasmic -> Get's a random most 'orgasmic' video from the site
sxyprn_get_most_orgasmic -> Get's the most 'orgasmic' video from the site
sxyprn_get_actress_random_latest (Actress Name) -> Sends you the a random video from the actress please use full names eg -> Aaron Stone
sxyprn_get_actress_latest (Actress Name) -> Sends you the latest video from the actress please use full names eg -> Aaron Stone
xhamster_random -> Sends you a random video
xhamster_get_actress_latest_video (actress name) -> Get's the given actress latest video
xhamster_get_channel_latest_video (channelname) -> Get's the given channel's latest video
xhamster_get_category_latest_video (category) -> Get's the given category's latest video
xhamster_random_daily -> Sends a random daily video
xhamster_best_daily -> Get's the best daily video
xhamster_best_daily_max_duration (maxduration) -> Get's the best daily video with max duration limit
xhamster_best_daily_between_duration (mindurationmaxduration) -> Get's the best daily video with between durations
xhamster_best_daily_min_duration (minduration) -> Get's the best daily video with atleast minimum duration
xhamster_random_weekly -> Sends a random weekly video
xhamster_best_weekly -> Get's the weekly daily video
xhamster_best_weekly_max_duration (maxduration) -> Get's the best weekly video with max duration limit
xhamster_best_weekly_between_duration (mindurationmaxduration) -> Get's the best weekly video with between durations
xhamster_best_weekly_min_duration (minduration) -> Get's the best weekly video with atleast minimum duration
xhamster_random_monthly -> Sends a random monthly video
xhamster_best_monthly -> Get's the best monthly video
xhamster_best_monthly_max_duration (maxduration) -> Get's the best monthly video with max duration limit
xhamster_best_monthly_between_duration (mindurationmaxduration) -> Get's the best monthly video with between durations
xhamster_best_monthly_min_duration (minduration) -> Get's the best monthly video with atleast minimum duration
xhamster_random_year (year) -> Sends a random video from the given year
xhamster_best_year (year) -> Get's the best video in the given year
xhamster_best_year_max_duration (yearmaxduration) -> Get's the best video in the given year with max duration limit
xhamster_best_year_between_duration (yearmindurationmaxduration) -> Get's the best video in the given year with between durations
xhamster_best_year_min_duration (yearminduration) -> Get's the best video in the given year with atleast minimum duration
beeg_latest -> Get's the latest video from the website beeg
beeg_latest_detailed -> Get's the latest video from the website beeg and the actor/acctress name and his/her current videos on the site
mp4togif (url) -> Convert's mp4 file from url to gif and sends it embed


This was merely a speedrun to demonstrate how discord bot's work.
The software designed to perform website security testing.
The author is not responsible for any illegal use of these programs.
I am not accountable for anything you get into.
I am not accountable for any of your actions.
This is 100% educational, please do not misuse this tool.
I don't know if this bot is against discord's ToS or something so use it on your own risk.