
Scripts bash to flash Rockchip tablet under Linux

Primary LanguageShell


(EN/FR project!)

Scripts Bash to flash Rockchip tablet under Linux.


HUC Stéphane : devs@stephane-huc.net
alias : ATP : FreakTab,Tablette Chinoise, 1: http://tablette-chinoise.net/membre4539.html 2: http://www.freaktab.com/member.php?42437-ATP
GIT : https://github.com/hucste/RKZen
Licence : CC0 http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:CC0

You will find Officials ROM PIPO : http://www.pipo.cn/En/index.php?m=About&a=gujian

@the time, it's not possible to flash RKLoader*.bin, erase NAND (IDB) under Linux. It's always necessary to use MS Windows plateform with tool as RKAndroidTool!

This tool need others tools :

1/ [adb, fastboot]
For *Buntu 13.04 >= (and like), use PPA: https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/tools
For Debian Wheezy: use backports repository...
For Debian Jessie, or Sid: use native repository

2/ rktools
Click on button [ Download ZIP ] onto website GIT.
Uncompress the archive zip
In terminal, go to the archive uncompressed directory, and:
cd rk-tools
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev
This install development libraries needed, and compil rktools.
Verify if error message.

3/ [rkflashtool][3]
DON'T DL ARCHIVE 5.1: the file 'version.h' is forgotten.
Click on button [ Download Snapshot ] onto website GIT.
Uncompress the archive zip
In terminal, go to the archive uncompressed directory, and:
cd rkflashtool-master
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
This compil tools needed.
Verify if error message.

1: See your distribution 2: https://github.com/rk3066/rk-tools [3]: http://sourceforge.net/p/rkflashtool/Git/ci/master/tree/


1/ make script RK_Shell_Tools executable!
2/ IMPERATIVE: run-it in terminal-console.
3/ answer questions :p


It's possible to use file config.
Open file 'config.readme'; write the values needed and save as 'config.ini'.
If file 'config.ini' isn't exists, the RK_Shell_Tools will ask you some questions.


!!! It's still into development !!!
!!! Use at yours personals risks !!!


I can help you sometimes, asap, in French onto Tablette Chinoise, or in English onto FreakTab!