
4h Career Explorations, June 2018

Primary LanguageJavaScript

League of Coders


This is a collection of Women in Technology used for teaching purposes at Mann Library for 4-H Career Explorations 2018. We will be teaching high school (grades 9-12) children from 4-H chapters and schools across New York State. June 26 - 28, 2018.


The planning, instruction, and facilitation team consisted of Camille Andrews, Darcy Branchini, Huda Khan, Kevin Kidwell, Tahir Poduska, Tobi Hines, Liz Woods and Pedro DelaCuadra. Our contact at 4-H was Alexa Maille, NYS 4-H STEM Specialist.



Two folders were created in the repo. One for exercises for code snippets of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The other for the website for the collection of Women in Technology.


  • The presentation we will be using/referring to is here .
  • A general outline of our day and topics can be found here .
  • For reference, the 4H Career website is here .

Schedule Overview

  • Day 1 - Afternoon (2 pm - 4:30 pm) ** Welcome and Introduction ** Fundamentals of Building a Website ** GitHub and Git
  • Day 2 ** User-centered Design ** Paper Prototyping ** Testing ** Afternoon Break (12-1 PM) ** Discussion: Affordances and Patterns ** Refine prototypes ** Tour ** Fundamentals of Building a Website
  • Day 3 ** Develop your own application