
A Django application for browsing and editing CouchDB documents.

Primary LanguagePython


A Django application for browsing and editing CouchDB documents.

  • Server
    • Add new database
    • Browse databases
    • Databases
      • Compact
      • Empty (delete and recreate)
      • Delete
      • Browse documents
        • import CSV data
          • optionally specify schema to use for data
          • optionally specify unique fields (unique and unique_together)
          • optionally overwrite/update unique records already stored in the database
        • browse raw documents
        • attachments
          • display attachments
          • add
          • delete
          • update
        • create (from predefined types)
        • edit
          • determine form from data types
          • determine form from predefined Django form
          • dynamically add/remove form fields
        • copy
        • delete
      • Views
        • browse by view
        • UI support for valid view options
        • edit original document
      • Lists
        • browse views
      • Shows
        • browse lists
        • edit original document
      • Changes
        • history of recent edits

See also benoitc's djangoadmin branch for couchdbkit.

Changes to couchdbkit if it's to be used for data import:

  • coercion by schema properties
  • support for a unique_together setting on schemas
  • support for database-less schemas and/or databases per schema rather than databases per Django app.