
Example SARS-CoV-2 build for South Africa

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Example SARS-CoV-2 build for countries in Africa

This repository includes an example configuration file for running a Nextstrain analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes from GISAID for a specific country (South Africa). To make your own country-level analysis, edit this configuration file to change the country from "South Africa" to your country of choice.

View the tree from this analysis through Nextstrain's community interface. You can view trees hosted on GitHub with a URL like https://nextstrain.org/community/blab/ncov-africa@main/south-africa where blab is the organization, ncov-africa is the repository, main is the branch, and south-africa corresponds to a file in the repository named ncov-africa_south-africa.json. See the documentation for Nextstrain Community builds for more details.

Setup your environment

Setup the Nextstrain software environment and download the ncov workflow. For example, to download the workflow you can run the following command.

git clone https://github.com/nextstrain/ncov.git

Curate data from GISAID

Select data from GISAID for your country and for phylogenetic context. Download these data files into your ncov/data/ directory. For this analysis, we will use recent data from South Africa and the recent "nextregions" download for Africa.

Run the analysis

Download this repository into the parent directory of the ncov workflow.

git clone https://github.com/blab/ncov-africa.git

Change directories to the ncov workflow.

cd ncov/

Edit the workflow configuration for your country, as needed. For example, change instances of "south-africa" and "South Africa" to your country of interest.

open ../ncov-africa/builds.yaml

Dry-run the workflow (print commands without running anything).

nextstrain build . -j 4 -n -p --configfile ../ncov-africa/builds.yaml

Create a graph of the workflow.

nextstrain build . --configfile ../ncov-africa/builds.yaml --dag | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf

View a graph of the workflow.

open dag.pdf

Run the workflow.

nextstrain build . -j 4 -p --configfile ../ncov-africa/builds.yaml

Inspect the analysis

View the resulting tree locally with Auspice.

nextstrain view auspice/

Open the local Auspice server at http://localhost:4000/.