Zip (.zip, optionally with password using aes or zipcrypto)
Tar (.tar)
TarGz (.tar.gz)
GZip (.gz)
Supported database vendors:
Oracle (use SID, servicename or TNS description)
Commandline usage
java -jar DbExport.jar [optional parameters] dbtype hostname[:port] dbname username -export exportdata -output outputpath [password]
Simple usage: java -jar DbExport.jar dbtype hostname username dbname 'statement or list of tablepatterns' outputpath
Mandatory parameters for database export
dbtype: mysql | mariadb | oracle | postgresql | firebird | sqlite | derby | hsql | cassandra
hostname: With optional port (Not needed for sqlite, hsql and derby)
dbname: Dbname or filepath for sqlite database or derby db
username: Username (Not needed for sqlite and derby)
password: Is asked interactivly, if not given as parameter (Not needed for sqlite, hsql or derby)
-export exportdata: SQL statement (Encapsulate by ', escape sequence is '')
or comma-separated list of tablenames with wildcards *? and !(= not, use as tablename prefix)
or text file path (See optional parameter '-file')
-output outputpath: File for single statement
or directory for tablepatterns
or 'console' for output to terminal
may contain datetime placeholders ([YYYY], [MM], [DD], [hh], [mm], [ss])
Optional parameters for database export
-x exportformat: Data export format, default format is CSV
exportformat: CSV | JSON | XML | SQL | VCF | KDBX
(Don't forget to beautify json for human readable data)
-n 'NULL': Set a string for null values (Only for csv and xml, default is '')
-file: Read statement or tablepattern from text file
-l: Log export information in .log files
-v: Progress and e.t.a. output in terminal
-z: Output as zipfile (Not for console output, same as "-compress zip")
-compress compresstype: Compress output (Not for console output)
compresstype: ZIP | TARGZ | TGZ | GZ
-zippassword '<zippassword>' (using AES-256 by default, not supported by Windows)
-kdbxpassword '<kdbxpassword>' (for KDBX datatype)
-useZipCrypto (use ZipCrypto algorithm, which is weak but is supported by Windows)
-e: Output encoding (Default UTF-8)
-s: Separator character, default ';', encapsulate by '
-q: String quote character, default '"', encapsulate by '
-qe: String quote escape character, default '"', encapsulate by '
-i: Indentation string for JSON and XML (TAB, BLANK, DOUBLEBLANK), default TAB or '\t', encapsulate by '
-a: always quote value
-f: Date and datetime format locale, default is systems locale, use 'de', 'en', etc. (e.g. for weekdays in format, 'EEE')
-dateFormat: overrides language format, use Java format characters (YMdhmsS)
-dateTimeFormat: overrides language format, use Java format characters (YMdhmsS)
-decimalSeparator: overrides language format, use '.' or ','
-blobfiles: Create a file (.blob or for each blob instead of base64 encoding
-clobfiles: Create a file (.clob or for each clob instead of data in csv file
-beautify: Beautify csv output to make column values equal length (Takes extra time)
or beautify json output to make it human readable with linebreak and indention
-noheaders: Don't export csv header line
-structure: Export the tables structure and column types
-dbtz '<databaseTimeZone>': Use a DatabaseTimeZone (Default is systems default timezone, e.g. Europe/Berlin or Europe/Dublin)
-edtz '<exportDataTimeZone>': Use a ExportDataTimeZone (Default is systems default timezone, e.g. Europe/Berlin or Europe/Dublin)
-secure: Use TLS/SSL for secure communication with database
-truststore '<truststorefilepath>': Filepath to TrustStore in JKS format for encrypted database connections of some database vendors
-truststorepassword '<password>': Optional password for TrustStore
Global standalone parameters
help: Show this help manual
gui: Open a GUI (Other parameters may also be preconfigured)
menu: Open a Console menu (Other parameters may also be preconfigured)
version: Show current local version of this tool
update: Check for online update and ask, whether an available update shell be installed;
Connection test:
Usage: java -jar DbImport.jar connectiontest dbtype hostname[:port] dbname username [-iter n] [-sleep n] [-check checksql] [password]
-iter n: Iterations to execute. Default = 1, 0 = unlimited
-sleep n: Sleep for n seconds after each check. Default = 1
-check checksql: SQL statement to check or the keyword "vendor" for the vendors default check statement
password: Is asked interactivly, if not given as parameter (Not needed for sqlite, hsql or derby)
Create TrustStore:
Usage: java -jar DbImport.jar createtruststore hostname:port truststorefilePath [truststorepassword]
truststorefilePath: Filepath to create the TrustStore file in
truststorepassword: Optional password for the created TrustStore (JKS, JavaKeyStore)