
install and configure chrony ntp servis by ansible

Primary LanguageJinja


Ansible role to setup ntp service based on chrony


  • ansible: version 2 and higher

Role Variables

Some variables defaults are based on the support OS. These variables are in vars/os-<OS>.yml files.

General Variables

chrony_packages: list of packages to install or remove based on the OS

chrony_service: service name based on the OS

chrony_service: configuration file location based on the OS

chrony_file_keys: ntp keys file locations

chrony_log_dir: log file directory

chrony_backup: if the backup old chrony configuration files should be backuped

chrony_backup: if the service should be enabled

chrony_service_state: if the service should be started

Configuration file Variables

The ntp_config_directives variable defined in vars/main.yml hold all supported chrony.conf variables with defautls. For each variable there is name, type and default value.

To override the the default value set varibale chrony_conf_<name>, see some defaults in defautls/main.yml

If the type is

  • s / scalar: use value enclosed in double quote, since values like yes and no have special meaning.
  • l / list: use YAML list syntax, like ['val1', 'val2']
  • b / list: has boolean value indicating whether to display item





Author Information

Peter Hudec