
anslibe role for iptables managment using ferm

Ferm / iptables managment

  • Github: Build Status

This role manages the iptables using ferm script.

As it's very hard to write generic iptables template, this role just moves user defined ferm config snippets to the server and generate the ruleset using iptables.


  • ansible: 2.1
  • Redhat/CentOS: EPEL
  • Ubuntu: multiverse repository

Role Variables

OS based variables

Some variables are based on OS. These variables are locaten in vars/os-<OS>.yml files.

Generic Variables

  • ferm_directory: ferm configuration directory, defaults to /etc/ferm
  • ferm_service_state: if the ferm should be started
  • ferm_service_enabled: if the ferm should be enabled in boot sequence

Firewal rules

  • ferm_rules_directory: where should I look for the firewall rules files, default to playbook templates directory
  • ferm_net_mngt: list of management networks, defaultd allow any
  • ferm_domains: to which ip version generate the rules, defaults IPv4 and IPv6
  • ferm_rules: list of rules to apply. defualt allow only SSH and ICMP

Power of the templating engine and the ferm engine to generate rules for IPv4 and IPv6. The hard work to write the rules is still on you, but you have it fully under control.


host/group variables

ferm_rules_directory: {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ferm

  - vars
  - default_rules
  - connection_tracking
  - input_icmp
  - managment
  - service_zabbix-agent

In this case you should create following files

  • {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ferm/rules/vars.conf.j2
  • {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ferm/rules/default_rules.conf.j2
  • ...

You should rewrite the ferm_rules in group_var or host_vars for each group or server as needed.


For example the ferm variables in your group_vars/all could be

- hosts: ferm
     - hudecof.ferm





Author Information

Peter Hudec