
Simple app to study Next.js 13 and Nest.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Movie Finder

This project is my personal effort to study and understand the new version 13 of Next.js

Folder Structure

/.vscode  <- vscode specific
/backend  <- backend project built using Nest.js
    /movie <- movie module
      movie.repository.ts <- check session Movie Repository Caching
    /omdb  <- OMDB module
  /test   <- simple e2e test
  .env    <- you need to create one and populate it with omdbapi key
  .default.env <- sample .env
/frontend <- frontend project using Next.js 13

How to run

If you are in vscode you will find a .vscode/launch.json on the root, use it to launch the backend

Understanding Backend Project

This backend is a simple api built with Nest.js, it has 2 modules, one for the movie that is where the request will be made and an omdb module which is an abstraction of omdbapi


In order to request omdbapi is necessary to give an apiKey, just populate it on the /backend/.env and you are good to go, to understand the .env schema simply look up to .example.env

Movie Repository Caching


if you opened the /backend/src/movie/movie.repository.ts you will notice that is not the usual day to day simplest repository, instead you will find 3 repositories, the OmdbApiMovieRepository, CachedMovieRepository and AggregatedMovieRepository, all of then implements the abstract class MovieRepository, the AggregatedMovieRepository is the one that is injected with the MovieRepository token injection, this repository has 2 dependecies that is OmdbApiMovieRepository, CachedMovieRepository.

How does it works

The way it works is that it will first find the movie title into the cache, if it does not exists it will fetch from the OmdbApi, this was made to give a better latency since this system is read-only and read-heavy

Understanding Frontend Project

This frontend project was built using the new Next.js 13


.env.local file here is optional, if it does not exists it will use the default values, the only variable currently used is NEXT_PUBLIC_MOVIE_API_URL to indicate the url for the backend


This project has only 2 pages, which are:

  • /
  • /[slug]

The / route simply renders all the necessary components for home page, it is built all using only the layout.tsx since all content is reused on the child segment, the page is a server component and the SearchBar is the only client component it has to search for movies, when a movie is search it redirects to /[slug], using this architecture allows Next.js to cache all pages, and since the movie data does not change very often it will have a reduced latency next time that is requested giving a good performance boost.

The /[slug] is specificaly built for the movie detail to show up and it is a server component, it has an loading.tsx that returns an skeleton, it also has an error.tsx to handle requests errors