
Jellyfin plugin for Movie Content Filter, to allow users to skip objectionable content in videos, based on their preferences.

Project Source Code Link

Movie Content Filter Website

General Information

This project is in very early development right now, and there are many features to add (and some bugs to fix). It is built on the source code from the open-source VideoSkip browser extension and the open-source Intro Skipper plugin for Jellyfin (linked below). The source code is freely available to copy and build on, released under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL), version 3. (I'm currently figuring out if I can distribute the plugin under version 3 or later.)

VideoSkip Source Code Link

Intro Skipper Source Code Link

Installation Instructions

(Work in Progress)

How to Use

(Work in Progress)


The plugin does not alter video files at all, but instead lets "users choose to see or not to see parts of the content, and the [plugin] remembers their choice" (quoted from the Read Me file for the VideoSkip extension, which extension's code this plugin is built on). It also does not enable unauthorized access to video files.

The video content that our plugin can filter belongs to its respective copyright holders. We claim no affliation or endorsement from any of these copyright holders.

Notice to All Users: When watching a motion picture (referring to a movie, television show, etc) using this plugin, the performance of the motion picture is altered from the performance intended by the director or copyright holder of the motion picture.