
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

WIP: Step-by-step MLOps Framework

This is N-lesson course to design, implement, deploy and monitor an ML batch system


We used the daily energy consumption from Denmark data which you can access here.

Set Up Additional Tools

The code is tested only on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 using Python 3.9.

We use a .env file to store all our credentials. Every module that needs a .env file has a .env.default in the module's main directory that acts as a template. Thus, you have to run:

cp .env.default .env


  1. Poetry
  2. Docker


Create an account for Hopsworks as your serverless feature store. Get an API key from your Hopsworks account settings. Afterward, you must create a new project and add these credentials to the .env file under the FS_ prefix.

!!! The project name has to be different than energy_consumption_02 as Hopsworks requires unique names across its serverless deployment.

Weights & Biases

Create an account and a project on Weights & Biases. Go to your W&B user settings and create the API Key from there and the W&B entity & project. After you have to add these credentials to the .env file under the WANDB_ prefix.

If you want everything to work with the default settings, use the following naming conventions:

  • create an entity called multimode-mlops
  • create a project called energy_consumption


To install every project individually:




# Move to the airflow directory.
cd airflow

# Make expected directories and environment variables
mkdir -p ./logs ./plugins
sudo chmod 777 ./logs ./plugins

# It will be used by Airflow to identify your user.
echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
# This shows where our project root directory is located.
echo "ML_PIPELINE_ROOT_DIR=/opt/airflow/dags" >> .env

Now from the airflow directory move to the dags directory and run:

cd ./dags

# Make a copy of the env default file.
cp .env.default .env
# Open the .env file and complete the FS_API_KEY, FS_PROJECT_NAME and WANDB_API_KEY credentials 

# Create the folder where the program expects its GCP credentials.
mkdir -p credentials/gcp/energy_consumption
# Copy the GCP service credetials that gives you admin access to GCS. 
cp -r /path/to/admin/gcs/credentials/admin-buckets.json credentials/gcp/energy_consumption
# NOTE that if you want everything to work outside the box your JSON file should be called admin-buckets.json.
# Otherwise, you have to manually configure the GOOGLE_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_PATH variable from the .env file. 

Now go back to the airflow directory and run the following:

cd ..

# Initialize the Airflow database
docker compose up airflow-init

# Start up all services
# Note: You should set up the private PyPi server credentials before running this command.
docker compose --env-file .env up --build -d

Clean Up

docker compose down --volumes --rmi all