
A simple FTP to rsync relay

Primary LanguagePython

GitHub Workflow Status Docker Image Version (latest by date)

A simple FTP to rsync relay


  • Receives and stores incoming files over FTP
  • Forwards received files over rsync to a remote host
  • Concurrent forwarding
  • Automatic retry when remote host is unreachable


Python requirements are listed in requirements.txt.

The only system requirement is rsync.

Environment Variables

Configuration is done via environment variables. Any values with "N/A" default are required.

Name Description Type Default Example
RSYNC_HOST Remote rsync host address str N/A server.example.com
RSYNC_PORT Remote rsync host port int N/A 873
RSYNC_USER Remote rsync user str N/A rsync_user
RSYNC_PASSWORD Remote rsync password str N/A hunter2
RSYNC_DESTINATION Remote rsync destination path/module str N/A data/
RSYNC_RETRY_INTERVAL Failed rsync retry interval (seconds) int 5 10
FTP_USER Local FTP username str N/A ftp_user
FTP_PASSWORD Local FTP password str N/A hunter3
FTP_HOME Local FTP home path str / /home/ftp
RELAY_THREADS Number of concurrent relay threads int 4 4
PROCESS_EXISTING_FILES Relay any existing files in FTP_HOME bool True True
DELETE_AFTER_RSYNC Delete local files after successful rsync bool True True