
Asterisk queue_log to influxdb

Primary LanguagePython


Script to import Asterisk queue_log into an influxDB database

On first run, the script creates database named "asterisk".

The script monitors the queue_log file (like a "tail -f" command) and inserts any new events into InfluxDB. It detects log rotation and can resume an interrupted export, thanks to the Pygtail module.


Install required libraries. (recommended: use a virtualenv)

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Edit config.ini according to your installation:

queue_log = /var/log/asterisk/queue_log

database = asterisk 
host = localhost
port = 8086
user = user
password = password


Simple usage:

$ python queuelog_to_influxdb.py

Load a different log file and exit. Don't wait for new lines:

$ python queuelog_to_influxdb --one-shot --file /var/log/asterisk/queue_log-20230811