
db diagram:


  • Clone the project
  • run composer install
  • Create a .env file
  • Fill in the .env file with your values (signifly api key)
  • Run php artisan migrate for migrations (database)
  • Run php artisan init:signifly to generate user data from the api
  • Run php artisan serve to start the webserver
  • The project should now be up and running on


How to create a project

After you login, go visit the dashboard, and click on the projects menu.

You are now on the projects page, and you'll see a input field. Here you can input the name of the project.

After clicking create, you should now see the created project above.

Click go to to see the project page.

You will now see two select menus, one with users and another with skills.

If you select a skill, you will only see users with that skill in the users select.

After you found a user, click add

You will now see the user added to the project, along with their contact information.


  • Skills was an empty array in the api endpoint
  • Haven't done any role system (no project leader), all users can create and update projects.
  • Haven't added education.
  • No auto calculate on project members. In the future a project could be created, and have a list of skills. That then would go fetch the available "signiflyers". (Don't show people on vacation)


  • Create user (Jetstream auth)
  • Create a project
  • A project has a collection of users
  • Create a skill
  • Delete projects
  • Remove users from a project
  • Create employment for user
  • Select box based on for projects based on user skills
  • Calculator function after / while creating project
  • Project overview with user's skills / employment / contact info
  • Validations on the input fields


  • Limit relations, fx: one user can be on the same project many times.