OKExChain mainnet

This repo collects the genesis and configuration files for the various OKExChain mainnet. It exists so the OKExChain repo does not get bogged down with large genesis files and status updates.

Getting Started

To get started with the latest mainnet, see the docs.

mainnet Status

Source Code: latest released version

⚠️ Latest mainnet: okexchain v0.16.0 ⚠️

  • Jan 15, 2021 12:00 UTC - okexchain-v0.16

Download the genesis file

$ shasum -a 256 genesis.json
1705b40f65f9f77083658a12e557e3225ecba529ec1328dcb08c0df1d4e42125  genesis.json

Please read GENESIS.md for details on how it was generated and to recompute it for yourself.

Seed nodes:
