
js-stack-from-scratch Module #1

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tutorial that I followed is here.

What I learned in this module

  1. Node.js is the JavaScript runtime environment
  2. NPM is the default package manager for Node.js
  3. Yarn in the Node.js package manager that is used in the tutorial
  4. package.json is the file used to describe and configure your JavaScript project. yarn init -y will create one for you.
  5. Run node . and index.js will be executed
  6. scripts section in the package.json can be customized to add additional commands to be executed
  7. To install a package run yarn add <package name>. This will add it to the dependencies section in the package.json
  8. To remove a package rin yarn remove <package name>
  9. There is a devDependencies section in the package.json that is used for dependecies that are only needed during development