
API module for interacting with and receiving events from August smart locks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

August API

A simple module for locking, unlocking, and getting the status of August smart locks connected via WiFi. You can also subscribe to lock events.

⚠️ Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for any safety issues that arise from the use of this module!


The module has been tested with:


npm i august-api


Create a new August object that will save your configuration while you use it:

let August = require('august-api')

let august = new August({
  installId: 'uniqueId', // Can be anything, but save it for future use on this account
  augustId: 'yourEmailOrPhone', // Phone must be formatted +[countrycode][number]
  password: 'yourPassword'

Note: Alternatively, you can set environment variables (see configuration below)

If this is the first time you're using this installId, you need to authorize and validate:


A 6-digit code will be sent to your email or phone (depending on what you used for your augustId). Send the code back:

august.validate('123456') // Example code

And you're all set!

// Example
let myLocks = await august.locks()
let lockId = Object.keys(myLocks)[0]

See API below for more methods.


When creating a new August object, the configuration can be passed in as an object, or stored in environment variables.

Config object Env Variable
augustId AUGUST_ID
countryCode² COUNTRY_CODE²

¹ apiKey and pnSubKey are optional. This module uses August's unpublished API, and August has been known to occasionally recycle their client API keys. Keys have been hard-coded into this module, but they may break at any time. If you find a different key to use, pass it in here.

² countryCode is also optional. Any value other than US will use a different set of default API URLs. These can still be overriden by apiKey and pbSubKey.

When using environment variables, you can simply call new August(). You can also choose to have some environment variables and some in the config object. Any property sent via the config object will override the respective environment variable.


August's API uses short-lived tokens (JWTs). This module attempts to relieve the user from worrying about the tokens. Therefore, they are not returned in any method. See ryanblock's august-connect for more info.


These methods are available on each object created from August. All methods are asyncronous and should be properly awaited. Unless otherwise specified, undefined will be returned if an error occurs. Check your error log for error message.



Initiate the authorization process by causing August to send a 6-digit code to your phone or email. Returns true on successfully sending code, otherwise returns false.


Validate 6-digit code (string or number) sent to phone or email. Returns true on successfully validating a code, otherwise returns false.

⚠️ Warning: You only need to authorize an installation one time – you should not attempt continued / ongoing reauthorization attempts for the same installId. However, if you change your installId, or don't make use of that installation's session for 120 days, you'll have to repeat the authorization process again.



Retrieve a list of all locks on account.

Returns map object of lock IDs to AugustLockBasic objects.

let myLocks = await august.locks()
// {
//  '7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295': {
//    LockName: 'Front door',
//    UserType: 'superuser',
//    macAddress: '1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F',
//    HouseID: '097dcab3-a29a-491a-8468-bab41b6b7040',
//    HouseName: 'Home'
//   }
// }

details([lockId])object | array[objects]

Retrieve details about a lock or locks.

If lockId is specified, or if only one lock is on account, returns AugustLockDetailed object. If no lockId specified and multiple locks on account, returns array of AugustLockDetailed.

let lockDetails = await august.details('7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295')
// {
//   LockName: 'Front door',
//   battery: 0.8512345,
//   LockStatus: {...}
//   ...
// }
// Assuming you have multiple locks
let lockDetails = await august.details()
// [
//   {
//     LockName: 'Front door',
//     battery: 0.8512345,
//     LockStatus: {...}
//     ...
//   }
//   {
//     LockName: 'Back door',
//     battery: 0.6512345,
//     LockStatus: {...}
//     ...
//   }
// ]

status([lockId])object | array[objects]

Retrieve status of lock or locks.

If lockId is specified, or if only one lock is on account, returns AugustLockStatus object. If no lockId specified and multiple locks on account, returns array of AugustLockStatus.

let lockStatus = await august.status('7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295')
// {
//   lockID: '7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295'
//   status: 'kAugLockState_Locked',
//   doorState: 'kAugDoorState_Closed',
//   state: {
//     locked: true,
//     unlocked: false,
//     closed: true,
//     open: false,
//   }
//   ...
// }
// Assuming you have multiple locks
let lockStatuses = await august.status()
// [
//   {
//     lockID: '7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295'
//     status: 'kAugLockState_Locked',
//     doorState: 'kAugDoorState_Closed',
//     state: {
//       locked: true,
//       unlocked: false,
//       closed: true,
//       open: false,
//     }
//     ...
//   }
//   {
//     lockID: 'CB9A7186FAF76B016B34165164912345'
//     status: 'kAugLockState_Unlocked',
//     doorState: 'kAugDoorState_Open',
//     state: {
//       locked: false,
//       unlocked: true,
//       closed: false,
//       open: true,
//     }
//     ...
//   }
// ]



Lock a lock. No, seriously.

If no lockId is passed and there are multiple locks on the account, will throw error.

Returns a AugustLockStatus object after succesfully locking.

let lockStatus = await lock('7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295')
// {
//   lockID: '7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295'
//   status: 'kAugLockState_Locked',
//   doorState: 'kAugDoorState_Closed',
//   state: {
//     locked: true,
//     unlocked: false,
//     closed: true,
//     open: false,
//   }
//   ...
// }


Unlock a lock. Yup, really.

If no lockId is passed and there are multiple locks on the account, will throw error.

Returns a AugustLockStatus object after succesfully unlocking.

let lockStatus = await unlock('7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295')
// {
//   lockID: '7EDFA965E0AE0CE19772AFA435364295'
//   status: 'kAugLockState_Locked',
//   doorState: 'kAugDoorState_Closed',
//   state: {
//     locked: true,
//     unlocked: false,
//     closed: true,
//     open: false,
//   }
//   ...
// }


subscribe(lockId, callback)function

Subscribe to events from a lock. callback(AugustEvent, timestamp) will be called for every event. See definitions for more info. Pass null or undefined as lockId and receive events for all locks on the account.

Returns an unsubscribe function.

Note: Events may be received at any time, regardless of lock/app usage.


The following methods are designed to be used interally, but are available for advanced use. If you would like to explore more endpoints, check out this list.


put(endpoint, [data])object

post(endpoint, [data])object

endpoint can be the whole URL or just the endpoint from the list

data must be an object, if passed Returns body of the HTTP response


This module has morphed from Ryan Block's august-connect. Many thanks to him for doing most of the legwork. Also big ups to Nolan Brown and Joe Lu's py-august project for paving the way!


  • This module was tested with a 4th-generation August Wi-Fi Smart Lock, but should work for all previous versions. If it does not, please post an issue.
  • This module does not provide an interface to August locks via BLE
  • This module is not intended to provide complete coverage of the August API, only the most common uses. See this list of endpoints if you want to explore more.
  • Unfortunately, August does not publish their API for consumer usage, so this may break at any time; August name etc. trademark Assa Abloy