
Using Virtual DOM with jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery Virtual DOM

This is an example module showing how you can use virtual DOM in a jQuery environment. This is only created as an example so you will most likely need to create your own version of the index.js using whatever dependency loader / bundler your project uses. I've created an example that uses the module along with webpack as the bundler and the source code can be seen in /demo.


If at all possible, you should NOT be using this technique. I created this because I have worked with plenty of Handlebars or other template based UIs that are still using $.html to render the internals of it's applications. This is hard on the browser and either the user or developer. If you are starting a new project, please use one of the many fully fleshed out declarative UI libraries out there. However, if you are stuck maintaining an older application where it would be too extensive to replace jQuery, this could be a way to implement Virtual DOM on that legacy application.

Benefits of Virtual DOM


In most web apps, the most CPU intensive action is manipulating the DOM. By using a virtual dom reconciliation (diff => patch), the DOM only needs to make the specific changes requested instead of removing and then re-adding all elements on the page.

User Experience

Probably the more important benefit is that when using a template framework and declarative UIs (e.g. Handlebars), the user flow is interrupted every time anything on the page gets rendered. The way to solve this is by only having the initial render in the templating language but then this defeats the purpose of declarative UIs since the logic needs to be separated into initial and interactive rendering. In my example, it is actually re-rendering the entire form with every keyup, however it is imperceptible due to the reconciliation of the virtual-dom. This is very similar to how

Developer Experience

The surge of declarative UI utilities should make you aware that they are a major benefit during development. The centralized rendering of the view contains all logic necessary in one place instead of scattered around to ensure good user experience. The declarative pattern allows the UI to be rendered in full from any state.

Run the demo locally

  1. install dependencies at root
cd jquery-vhtml
yarn install # or `npm install`
  1. install dependencies inside demo
cd demo
yarn install # or `npm install`
  1. start the bundle and watch for changes
yarn build # or `npm run build`
  1. start a static server in this location
yarn global add http-server # or `npm install -g http-server`
http-server ./
  1. view the demo page at http://localhost:8080