Forked from and based on bootstrap-datepicker


  1. Notice that to use this very fork, a data-date-format attribute MUST be presented in the html node in DOM. It's format could be, for example, d/m/Y.

  2. Livety Date module is required.

  3. This library MUST to be compiled/packed as a part of entries in Webpack.


In addition to the original method and options, this fork provided:


  • parent

jQuery selector to the parent node of which the date picker is to be appended to.


  • .datepicker('setMinViewMode', minView)

Set min view mode for the selected date picker. Parameter minView indicates min view mode, i.e. 0 === day, 1 === month, 2 === year.

  • .datepicker('setLastDayOfMonth', trueOrFalse)

When setLastDayOfMonth is set to true, date picker will automatically calculate and append the last date of the selected month to the return/output date value. Otherwise, the first date will be appended.

  • .datepicker('setStartDate', ceaseChangeDateEvent) & .datepicker('setEndDate', ceaseChangeDateEvent)

An extra optional ceaseChangeDateEvent parameter is provided to setStartDate and setEndDate to prevent date picker instances from triggering changeDate event when start/end date get changed.

  • .datepicker('allowNotSureDate', trueOrFalse)

When trueOrFalse is set to true, date picker adds a not sure exact date button to day view.

  • .datepicker('notSureDateText', text)

Set the text shown on not sure exact day button.

  • .datepicker('beforeNotSureDate', function)

Set the function to be triggered before date picker set-value event is triggered when clicking not sure exact day button.

  • .datepicker('afterNotSureDate', function)

Set the function to be triggered after date picker set-value event is triggered when clicking not sure exact day button.

  • .datepicker('onSelectDate', function)

Set the function to be triggered when selected a date.

  • .datepicker('setActiveMonth', monthNum)

Highlight a month. monthNum is a 1-based month index.

  • .datepicker('setActiveYear', year)

Limit the year when highlighting month.

  • .datepicker('setDatesDisabled', [dateString])

Disable the given dates.

  • .datepicker('updateMonth', dateString, ceaseEvent)

Update date in month mode. Notice that dateString has to be in dashed format, i.e. YYYY-mm-dd

If ceaseEvent is true, the change event will not be triggered.

  • .datepicker('clear')

Clear the date picker.