
Personal dotfiles containing configuration of various tools

Primary LanguageShell

Contains all my dotfiles 🍩 😇

Use install.sh to automatically setup all of these files in your homedir.

Credits: installer was inspired by jqno's dotfiles (https://github.com/jqno/dotfiles)

Ideas yet to make

  • Distraction Free mode (block all but active screen)
  • tomato timer

Things to do

  • Add Brewfile to install my Brew-apps
    • Add LuLu to Brewfile
      • Add Bartender
      • Add Oversigh

Import Procedures to Remember

This section contains some tricks I found around the internet and want to keep around.

Disable SIP

  1. Reboot into Recovery mode (Hold ⌘-R)
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Execute csrutil disable
  4. Reboot

Enable SIP

  1. Reboot into Recovery mode (Hold ⌘-R)
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Execute csrutil enable
  4. Reboot

Disable Automatic Gamma Correction

  1. Disable SIP
  2. Disable "Auto Brightness" (Preferences -> Displays)
  3. cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AmbientDisplay.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent.xpc/Contents/MacOS/
  4. mv com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent _com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent
  5. Enable SIP and reboot
  6. Enable "Auto Brightness"