
some programs of thesis

Primary LanguagePython

Chaos//Research on Address Spoofing Attack Traceability and Defense Mechanism in Programmable Network

Some programs of thesis uesd for flow traceback

1 flow statistic

step 0:run the flow.p4 to config the P4 switch

P4@P4: cd/flow
P4@P4: make

step 1:run the flowtest.py to generate the test flow

run the flowtest.py

P4@P4:./flowtest.py n

step 2:run the holt.py to predict the flow statistic


2 flow traceback

step 0:run the traceroute.p4 to config the P4 switch with p4 info and json

terminal 1

P4@P4: cd/traceroute
P4@P4: make
mininet> xterm h4 h2

step 1:run the receive.py to receive the test flow


root@P4: ./receive.py
root@P4: ./send.py "come from h4" n

terminal 2

P4@P4: cd/fragment
P4@P4: make
mininet> xterm h4 h2


root@P4: ./receive.py
root@P4: ./test.py "come from h4" n

the packet format

got a packet
###[ Ethernet ]###
  dst       = 00:04:00:02:00:02
  src       = f2:ed:e6:df:4e:fa
  type      = 0x800
###[ IP ]###
     version   = 4L
     ihl       = 10L
     tos       = 0x0
     len       = 42
     id        = 1
     flags     =
     frag      = 0L
     ttl       = 62
     proto     = udp
     chksum    = 0x60c0
     src       =
     dst       =
     \options   \
      |###[ MetadataStack ]###
      |  copy_flag = 0L
      |  optclass  = control
      |  option    = 31L
      |  length    = 20
      |  count     = 2
      |  \swtraces  \
      |   |###[ SwitchTrace ]###
      |   |  swid      = 4
      |   |  eport    = 2
      |   |###[ SwitchTrace ]###
      |   |  swid      = 3
      |   |  eport    = 2
      |   |###[ SwitchTrace ]###
      |   |  swid      = 2
      |   |  eport    = 1
###[ UDP ]###
        sport     = 1234
        dport     = 4321
        len       = 18
        chksum    = 0x1c7b
###[ Raw ]###
           load      = 'come from h4'

3 Smart Contract

generate the testnet of blockcahin in cache by ganache-cli

P4@P4:ganache-cli -q

terminal 1 deploy the contracts by javascript

P4@P4: node deploy.js

terminal 2 call the contracts

P4@P4: node call.js

terminal 3 get the event based logs

P4@P4: cd/eth/dapptest/ddostest/ddosdapp
P4@P4: ~/eth/dapptest/ddostest/ddosdapp$ npm start