// <file type="public">
//   <license>
//      Copyright (c) Tianhong Yu.
//      This distribution contains the source code
//      for the Cab In Air project originally developed by Tianhong Yu.
//      This is private software.
//   </license>
//   <description>
//     <abstract>
//       README file for the project.
//     </abstract>
//     <keywords>
//       README, cabinair, code, source
//     </keywords>
//   </description>
//   <authors>
//     <current>
//       <author userid="tyu" start_date="2016/06/20" />
//     </current>
//     <previous>
//     </previous>
//   </authors>
// </file>

# Overview of directory contents.


  Overview of directory contents and compatibility notes.

To compile examples:
>cd examples
>make clean
>make all
>./generate_car_data 1000