
App 1.0

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Implement validation on the email within the initial launch modal to make sure it's a @mylaurier.ca email
  • Fix 'Subscribe' button on club page to actually work
  • Pull clubs & interests from an API
  • Minimize the number of calls made to the API
  • Add in clubs & interest selector into the initial launch modal
  • Add in end date to events
  • Fix spacing on the newsfeed so that the last event is not hidden by the tabs
  • Fix social media buttons on event pages
  • Fix social media follow buttons on club pages
  • Establish standard for "Place" for each event, i.e. if it has room number it should say "P1005, Peters" for each event
  • Ensure if no banner specified for event then no banner is displayed
  • Discount card page
  • Make LazSoc subscription mandatory
  • Cut off date for 'past' tab, i.e. show only the past 2 weeks (Do this on the API side)
  • Add in checks to make sure that if they're in the preferences selector or initial launch tab, we notify them when they do stuff like leave the page when they change stuff and didn't save, or if they don't select anything, etc.
  • Make preference saving and prefernce modal saving more robust so that even if the users internet is hugely lagging then we still load their latest preferences
  • Find a better way of doing the modal vs non-modal pages other than having two seperate files. i.e. clubselector_modal.html vs clubselector.html
  • Seperate controllers, currently there's one HUGE controller and it's really inefficient since only parts of the code are used in certain places
  • Make interests unclickable on the view preferences page
  • Remove appavailability since it's not being used
  • Feedback form
  • Ionic analytics
  • Ionic deploy
  • Save what tab they were on in the newsfeed when they go to a different event or page
  • Add in JDCC Header
  • Deal with recurring events
  • Make the dates on newsfeed into format like August 1, 2015

Suggestions to consider

  • Calendar view of upcoming events
  • Photo gallary for events
  • My tickets area
  • My clubs area for the clubs you've bought premium membership for
  • A way to show which events require a ticket vs which ones dont
  • Include links to buy event tickets
  • Swipe to go back across the app
  • Find a better way to reload preferences when they change rather than just disabling swipe to go back and disabling caching


ngCordova Plugin in Ionic State? Link
cordova-plugin-calendar Yes cordovaCalendar
cordova-plugin-network-information Yes cordovaNetwork
cordova-plugin-whitelist Yes cordovaWhiteList
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser Yes cordovaInAppBrowser
cordova-plugin-appavailability Yes cordovaAppAvailability

To add new plugin:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-calendar
cordova prepare

To add new plugin to state:

ionic state reset
cordova plugin add PLUGINNAME
cordova prepare
ionic state save

Keystore Password:


Release building commands:

cordova build --release android
keytool -genkey -v -keystore lazsoc-release-key.keystore -alias lazsoc -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore lazsoc-release-key.keystore platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-release-unsigned.apk lazsoc
/usr/local/opt/android-sdk/build-tools/23.0.3/zipalign -v 4 platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-release-unsigned.apk LazSoc.apk

App Query Schemes

iOS needs plist permissions to be able to open fb:// or twitter:// URLs. To allow more, platforms/ios/LazSoc/LazSoc-Info.plist needs to be updated to include the new URLs. More info here and here. Current entry is:
