- 0
Run Benchmark evaluation
#30 opened by Bachstelze - 0
What is the best way to cite the work?
#29 opened by vijetadeshpande - 0
when i run the scrip , i can not reach the datasets
#28 opened by SunYabin0329 - 0
questions about evaluation like MMLU
#27 opened by ftgreat - 0
Educational scoring prompt for code
#26 opened by Nero0113 - 0
Number of shots during evaluation
#25 opened by shizhediao - 0
Integration with datatrove
#21 opened by UniverseFly - 0
Educational scoring dataset
#20 opened by peregilk - 2
Educational scoring prompt?
#13 opened by zidsi - 1
#12 opened by simplew2011 - 1
- 1
Training code for Cosmo-1B?
#10 opened by jwkirchenbauer