🐥A PyTorch implementation of OpenAI's finetuned transformer language model with a script to import the weights pre-trained by OpenAI
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Avoid model overfitting
#31 opened by BangLiu - 1
problems about DoubleHeadModel implementation
#50 opened by eveliao - 1
Instructions for encoding own sentences
#58 opened by izaskr - 0
Training from scratch: Repeated and mangled words
#59 opened by maruker - 0
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How to create transforms for entailment task?
#40 opened by lordzuko - 1
vocab = n_vocab + n_special + n_ctx means?
#54 opened by JiahangOK - 0
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Why do we need to apply mask while fine tuning?
#53 opened by pranoy-k - 3
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Implementation of Seq2Seq with Transformer
#52 opened by bhedayat - 1
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Potentially incorrect regex in
#48 opened by schmmd - 2
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Encoder paddings influence results?
#45 opened by OanaMariaCamburu - 0
Retrain the LM on new dataset?
#46 opened by fabrahman - 2
help to understand bpe logic
#42 opened by BogdanDidenko - 10
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How does position embedding implementation work?
#44 opened by bcserna - 3
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How is the file "cloze_test_test__spring2016 - cloze_test_ALL_test.csv" created?
#41 opened by luffycodes - 2
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Redundant decoder
#32 opened by joshim5 - 2
finetuning the model for NLI, but using sentence embeddings instead of word embeddings
#30 opened by saurabhvyas - 4
How to use Inference?
#33 opened by masati91 - 1
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How does Dropout2d help in cloze task?
#11 opened by sai-prasanna - 3
loading pretrained open ai model
#28 opened by mehdimashayekhi - 4
Can someone explain this line?
#21 opened by teucer - 7
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Having various network heads
#24 opened by rodgzilla - 2
what is the use of dropout in the Transformer?
#19 opened by teucer - 4
Object is not specified
#13 opened by Oktai15 - 1
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Pre-trained LMHead
#7 opened by rodgzilla - 4
dimensioning bug?
#2 opened by jtatusko - 1