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- abidlabs
- abodacsOpenCoast
- aiseei
- arpagonArtisanLabs
- bizop
- codeaudit
- DeanMarkTaylor@RockLevel
- ervinwilnederLeader Entertainment
- flozi00A\\Ware
- fxmartyHugging Face
- gary149@huggingface
- gnmarten
- gurusuraSura Systems Private Limited
- haraballOffenbach am Main, Germany
- HiWill
- JackLangermanNew York
- jjoergensenCopenhagen, Denmark
- kasrakSan Francisco
- laotala828Seattle
- leodambrosi
- marclove@carbonfive
- martinnormark@LEGO
- Matthieu-Tinycoaching
- NyandwiCargenie Mellon
- osansevieroGoogle
- pavelklymenkoSan Francisco Bay Area
- philschmid@huggingface
- rajivmehtaflexBacancy Technology
- RobAMillsMoncton, NB
- rorypeckChina
- rubensmauSao Paulo, Brazil
- TheSeamau5Entrepreneur
- tkersey@thisisartium
- tristanz@continual-ai
- xenova@huggingface
- zhongyi-zhouThe University of Tokyo