
Framework for creating minimal and secure Docker images based on Alpine.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

NOTICE! This project has moved here: https://github.com/Kristianstad/secure_and_minimal/pkgs/container/secure_and_minimal

Secure and Minimal (SaM)

A simple framework for creating minimal and secure Docker images based on Alpine. It consist of a Dockerfile-template, a number of standardized constants, a few helper-images, and structured shell scripts.

The Dockerfile-template

The Dockerfile-template is divided into three main blocks: Init, Build, and Final. All three main blocks contain sub-blocks with generic code that must remain untouched for the framework to work properly.

The Init-block

This block contains all variables and commands used during the build process. For this, we use a set of standard ARGs. These ARGs might also (explicitly) be passed on to the Final-block. All standard build ARGs, and their use, are listed later in this documentation.

The generic code block loads an initial image (INITIMAGE) and makes additional data from "content-images" available for use in the Build-block.

The Build-block

This block is normally left as it is, but in some special cases you might want to add a RUN-statement right before the generic code block to create a missing file or directory.

The generic code block loads a helper image (BUILDIMAGE) in which the building takes place. The result of the building process is then copied to a set base image (BASEIMAGE). The exact building process is described later in this documentation.

The Final-block

This block contains the runtime ENV-vars used in the final image.

The generic block sets the secure sturtup USER for the container.

The build process

The build process starts by preparing the standard ARGs, giving some of them their default values. Then are the files from INITIMAGE, CONTENTIMAGEs and files provided along with the Dockerfile copied to their correct locations. Files and directories, provided together with the Dockerfile, needs to be placed in a directory named finalfs (or rootfs) to be copied over to the final image. Then, based on the standard ARGs, init-commands are executed, empty files and directories are created, gits are cloned, files and packages are downloaded, build and final-commands are executed, file permissions are set, directories and files are deleted (mainly in this order).

Standard ARGs

Below follows a list of standard ARGs that can be set in the Init-block and serve as parameters in the build process. Default values in paranthesis.


Mandatory! Defines which version of Secure and Minimal that is to be used.

IMAGETYPE (application)

Modifies the build process to produce an image formatted to set purpose. Available values are application, base, content.


Dockerhub profile name of created image. Only used for content images and if IMAGEID is undefined. See IMAGEID.


Dockerhub repository name of created image. Only used for content images and if IMAGEID is undefined. See IMAGEID.


Dockerhub image version of created image. Only used for content images and if IMAGEID is undefined. See IMAGEID.


Used to name the content-list file in content images. Is created from HUBPROFILE, HUBREPO and HUBVERSION if not set directly.


A docker image to pull content from.


A file or directory to copy from the corresponding content image.


The destination where content from the corresponding content image are copied to. The destination is relative to the build root, to copy directly to the final image, prepend /tmp/finalfs.


Space-separated list of additional Alpine package repositories to use during the build process.


Space-separated list of Alpine packages that should NOT be included in the final image.


Space-separated list of Alpine packages which dependencies should be excluded from the final image. The listed packages are NOT excluded themselves.


Space-separated list of Alpine packages that should be included in the final image.


Same as RUNDEPS but allows untrusted repositories.


Space-separated list of Alpine packages needed during the build process. The following packages is already installed and doesn't need to be added: acl bash build-base libtool cmake automake autoconf linux-headers git libcurl.


Same as BUILDDEPS but allows untrusted repositories.

BUILDDIR (/builddir)

Working directory for BUILDCMDS.


Comma-separated list of git repositories to clone to the build environment. Clone parameters may be included.


Working directory for CLONEGITS. To clone directly to the final image, prepend /finalfs.


Space-separated list of urls to download to the build environment.


Working directory for DOWNLOADS. To download directly to the final image, prepend /finalfs.


Space-separated list of directories to create in the final image.


Space-separated list of empty files to create in the final image.


String of shell commands to be executed in the initial build environment, prior to the installation of BUILDDEPS.


String of shell commands to be executed in the complete build environment. The final image filesystem is located in /finalfs.


String of shell commands to be executed in the final image filesystem, after the execution of BUILDCMDS has finished.


Space-separated list of files and directories (non-recursive) that should be owned by VAR_LINUX_USER in the final image.


Space-separated list of directories that should be recursively owned by VAR_LINUX_USER in the final image.


Space-separated list of directories that should be removed (with contents) from the final image.


Space-separated list of files that should be removed from the final image.


Whether empty directories should be preserved in the final image. If no, all non-essential empty directories, that is not listed in MAKEDIRS, is removed.


Space-separated list of files and directories (non-recursive) that should be writable by GID 0 (primary group for VAR_LINUX_USER) in the final image.


Space-separated list of directories that should be recursively writable by GID 0 (primary group for VAR_LINUX_USER) in the final image.


Space-separated list of files that should be persistently executable by VAR_LINUX_USER in the final image.


Space-separated list of files that should be executable by VAR_LINUX_USER, but only during container startup.


Space-separated list of Secure and Minimal-functions that should be executable by VAR_LINUX_USER in the final image.


Base directory, in the final image, where the build process should install files. Defaults to /content-x in content images.

CFLAGS (--O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-reorder-blocks -fno-reorder-functions -mcmodel=large)

C build flags in the build environment.


Additional C build flags that is appended to CFLAGS.

PATH (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin::)

PATH environment variable in the build environment.


Additional PATH-string that is appended to PATH.



Additional CPATH-string that is appended to CPATH.



Additional LIBRARY_PATH-string that is appended to LIBRARY_PATH.



Additional LD_LIBRARY_PATH-string that is appended to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.



MPICC (/usr/bin/mpicc)

MPICXX (/usr/bin/mpicxx)



Convenience-variable (pass to eval in BUILDCMDS.)


Convenience-variable (pass to eval in BUILDCMDS.)

COMMON_MAKECMDS (make -s && make -s install)

Convenience-variable (pass to eval in BUILDCMDS.)


Convenience-variable (pass to eval in BUILDCMDS.)


All files in this image are copied to /finalfs prior to the build process (seldomly used).

BASEIMAGE (huggla/secure_and_minimal:$SaM_VERSION-base)

Baseimage which is extended with new contents. Needs to be an image created with Secure and Minimal.

BUILDIMAGE (huggla/secure_and_minimal:$SaM_VERSION-build)

Helper-image where the building process takes place (don't touch!).

The container start process

During the start process the Secure and Minimal framework secures and prepares the container according to the given VAR-parameters. The start process is divided into "stages". Each stage consists of a shell script or directory of shell scripts inside the /start directory. Stage1 and stage2 are common for all SaM-images. Stage3 are optional, and used to tailor the individual SaM-image during the build process. Stage2 and up are executed by the root user, but with reduced capabilities (only setpcap, setgid and setuid). If additional capabilities are needed during startup, then you must set the, comma-separated, VAR_INIT_CAPS parameter in the Final-block (f ex: VAR_INIT_CAPS="cap_chown,cap_fowner"). The final command (VAR_FINAL_COMMAND) is automatically executed, in most cases as a non-privileged user (VAR_LINUX_USER), without any capabilities, at the end of the start process. If VAR_FINAL_COMMAND needs to be run with capabilities enabled, then you must set the, comma-separated, VAR_KEEP_CAPS parameter in the Final-block (f ex: VAR_KEEP_CAPS="cap_chown,cap_fowner"). To add a stage3 to a SaM-image all you have to do is, together with the Dockerfile, put one or more shell scripts in /finalfs/start/stage3. The scripts will be executed in alphanumerical order so it is wise to choose filenames beginning with a three digit number.


Secure and Minimal provides a number of shell script functions, organized in files located in /start/functions. These functions can be used during the start process and, if exposed with EXPOSEFUNCTIONS, even within the running container. An image can have additional functions put in /finalfs/start/functions. Below is a list of useful SaM-functions.

configFromVarGroup group

This function takes a string, representing a group, and returns a configuration constructed by all VAR-parameters beginning with that group.

If you have two VARS, VAR_ppl_first_name="Bob" and VAR_ppl_last_name="Cat", then configFromVarGroup ppl will return:

first_name = Bob
last_name = Cat

A number following the group name indicates the configuration order, f ex VAR_ppl2_first_name="Bob" and VAR_ppl1_last_name="Cat" will return:

last_name = Cat
first_name = Bob

The format of the output can be changed by the VARs VAR_<group>_uScore, VAR_<group>_dblUScore, VAR_<group>_begin and VAR_<group>_end.

After setting VAR_ppl_uScore=" ", VAR_ppl_begin=":" and VAR_ppl_end=",", configFromVarGroup ppl now returns:

last name : Cat,
first name : Bob,

And after adding VAR_ppl3_e__mail_address="bob.cat@mail.com" and VAR_ppl_dblUScore="-":

last name : Cat,
first name : Bob,
e-mail address : bob.cat@mail.com,

createLinuxUser [username] [uid] [gid]

The startup process uses this function to create the VAR_LUNUX_USER, but it can also be used to create additional users. If no uid is given, then the first unused, counting upwards from 102, is used. If no gid is given, then gid=uid. VAR_HOME_DIR decides the home directory. If VAR_HOME_DIR has not been set, then VAR_CONFIG_DIR is set to be the home directory. In neither VAR_HOME_DIR or VAR_CONFIG_DIR has been set, then the home directory will be set to /dev/null.

removeSingleQuotes string

Returns the string with all single-quotes (') removed.

removeDoubleQuotes string

Returns the string with all double-quotes (") removed.

removeQuotes string

Returns the string with all single and double-quotes (") removed.

removeUnderscores string

Returns the string with all underscores (_) removed.

removeCharacterFromString character string

Returns the string with all occurencies of character removed.

makePwForUser username

Returns a secure password. The function reads VAR_password_<userName> and pass it to securePw.

makePwFileForUser username

Creates a secure file, containing a password, for given user, and returns the full path. VAR_password_file_<userName> will be used as password file if set, otherwise it picks an unique, random filename. The function reads VAR_password_<userName> and pass it to securePw, before writing to file. Note that it will not overwrite a non-empty file.

securePw [password]

Returns a new, secure password-string if no password is provided. If password is provided and VAR_ENCRYPT_PW is set to yes, then the password will be encrypted with encryptPw and returned.

encryptPw password

Encrypts password using Argon2 and returns the result. Uses Argon2 parameters from VAR_ARGON2_PARAMS and salt from getSalt.


Returns string from the file defined by VAR_SALT_FILE, then deletes the file.

pwFromFile file

Returns password read from file.

fileWithNlEnding file

Checks whether file ends with an empty line and adds it if it doesn't.


Returns all VAR-parameters.

runCmd command-string

Runs given shell command-string as root in a clean environment (no environmental variables set).

runCmdAsLinuxUser command-string

Runs given shell command-string as VAR_LINUX_USER in a clean environment (no environmental variables set).

runBinCmdAsLinuxUser command-string

VAR_LINUX_USER is only permitted to run files inside /bin and /usr/bin by using this function.

isGroupWritable path

Returns "true" if given file/directory is group writable, else it returns "false".

replaceDirWithLink dir1 dir2 [ignored]

If dir2 exist and is empty (with the exception of .snapshot and ignored), then the content of dir1 is moved to dir2 and substituted with a symbolic link to dir2.

replaceFileWithLink file1 file2

If file2 doesn't exist or are empty, then file1 is copied to file2 and substituted with a symbolic link to file2.

sourceDirs directories

Are given a space-separated string of directories as parameter. Recursively sources all files present inside the given directories (treating them as shell scripts).

toLower string

Returns string in lower case.

trim string

Returns string without preceding and trailing spaces.

tryDelete paths

Is given a space-separated string of files and directories. Tries to recursively delete the given files and directories without giving any errors if failing.

tryMakeDir directory [perm]

Make directory, with complete path, if it doesn't already exist. Sets or changes VAR_LINUX_USER permissions according to perm, which can be set to write, exec or secure.

tryMakeFile file [perm]

Creates empty file, with complete path, if it doesn't already exist. Sets or changes VAR_LINUX_USER permissions according to perm, which can be set to write, exec or secure.

trySetPermissionsOf path perm [option]

Changes VAR_LINUX_USER permissions for given file or directory according to perm, which can be set to write, exec or secure. When option is set to recursive, then the operation is done recursively.


A VAR-parameter is an ENV-variable who's name starts with "VAR_". ENV-variables without the VAR-prefix are discarded during container startup, and is not passed to the final command. Some VAR-parameters are standardized and exists in all or many SaM-images. VAR-parameters can be set in the Final-block and are inherited from given BASEIMAGE, but they can also be set/changed at runtime with docker run -e. VAR-parameters ending with _DIR(S), _DIRECTORY, _DIRECTORIES, _FILE(S) (all case-insensitive) are interpreted as containing paths, which are automatically created. Path-VARs with names containing conf, sock, storage, data, logfile, logdir, _pid_, _log_, _logs_, temp, tmp, home, cache, _work_ are made writable by group 0, the primary group for VAR_LINUX_USER. Path-VARs with names containing pass, pw, sec, salt, key are made non-readable by all except owner. Below is a short list of common VAR-paramaters.


The name of the user executing VAR_FINAL_COMMAND. Can be set to root but should in most cases not. Gets UID 102 (0 if root) and GID 0.


Shell command executed by VAR_LINUX_USER at the end of the startup process. Files that should be executed must be included in the EXECUTABLES or STARTUPEXECUTABLES ARG of the image or its BASEIMAGE.


Additional capabilities, besides setpcap, setgid and setuid, that is needed during the startup process. Capabilities listed in VAR_KEEP_CAPS doesn't need to be listed in VAR_INIT_CAPS too.


Capabilities needed by VAR_FINAL_COMMAND.

A basic example - Dropbear SSH server

It is very easy to create a SaM-image with Dropbear server, all you need to do is add a few ARGs and ENVs to the SaM Dockerfile template.

ARG RUNDEPS="dropbear"
ARG STARTUPEXECUTABLES="/usr/sbin/dropbear"

  • Then add the following lines to the Final-block (before the generic template code):

ENV VAR_LINUX_USER="dropbear" \
 VAR_CONFIG_DIR="/etc/dropbear" \
 VAR_PORT="2222" \
 VAR_PID_FILE="/run/dropbear.pid" \

  • Build the image.