
A lightweight modular library that provides a semi modal navigation controller and segue similar to the style of viewing comments on photos on Facebook for iOS

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A libary that allows you to present a UINavigationController semi modally. Designed modularily, you can create a slideable, zoomable, dismissable and subclassable way of presenting view controllers over other view controllers


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How to setup

  1. Drag out a UINavigationController and assign it to a custom HBSemiModal class.
  2. HBSemiModalNavigationController: a simple modal way of presenting a UINavigationController without a lot of interaction
  3. HBSlideSemiModalNavigationController: a modal way of presenting a UINavigationController allowing you to drag and change the height of a presented UINavigationController. Optionally, you can enable automatic dismissal of the presented controller if needed
  4. HBZoomSemiModalNavigationController: a modal way of presenting a UINavigationController allowing you to drag and change the height and zoom of a presented UINavigationController. Optionally, you can enable automatic dismissal of the presented controller if needed
  5. Create a custom UIStoryboardSegue to the new UINavigationController and assign it to the custom class HBSemiModalStoryboardSegue
  6. See the demo for more!

Customizability - a lot of this can be done from Interface Builder

  • Change the insets (i.e. the left, right, top and bottom padding) of the presented controller
  • Change the minimum and height of the presented controller
  • Change the duration of the show and hide animation of the presentation of the controller
  • Change the corner radius of the navigation bar of the presented controller
  • Enable or disable dragging of the presented controller
  • Enable or disabled automatically dismissing the presented controller if it is dragged and dropped past a specific height percentage
  • Change the anchor when zooming the presented controller in or out
  • Subclass the various HBSemiModal classes to change or implement functionality