Analysis of Claudia Fontsere's technical study evaluating how to best go about increasing library complexity in target enrichment sequencing studies using non-invasive samples

Primary LanguageR

Non-invasive library complexity

Authors: David Hughes and Claudia Fontsere

Date started: Sep 27th 2019


This git repository holds Supplementary Table 1, 2, 4, and 5 from the 2019 Fontsere et al study "An approach to increase molecular complexity from target captured fecal samples". These supplementary tables themselves hold some data points and summary statsitics for the individual libraries and hybridization pools used in the study.

In addition it contains some Rmarkdown scripts and reports used to analyze the data for generating results for the publication itself.

Installation instructions of the NILC package

1. insure that the devtools library is installed on your local machine
	 > ifelse("devtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages()), 
2. install NILC
	> devtools::install_github("hughesevoanth/NILC")