Sugar for your tinest of functions.
is a lot of noise, ya know? Also, i was reading a blog post, and got a little jelly of ruby.
var λ = require('lmbd')
var people = [
{ name: 'super-bach' },
{ name: 'tele man' },
{ name: 'mozart.. boy?'}
var names =λ(''))
Accepts a single expression, in string form. It'll add in parameters as needed for your variables; no worries!.
var λ = require('lmbd')
var add = λ('a + b'),
inc = λ('a + 1')
wrap = λ('b + a + b')
add(1, 2) //= 3
add('foo', 'bar') //= 'foobar'
inc(1) //=2
wrap('"', 'foo') //= '"foo"'
npm install lmbd