
NUS IEEE-HKN website (do not change the repository name)

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the code for the NUS IEEE HKN website. It is currently hosted on GitHub pages, and built by Jekyll.


The website uses Jekyll which supports Liquid, a templating language that can load dynamic content. This allows for some neat features, such as layouts. From the Liquid documentation:

Layouts are templates that wrap around your content. They allow you to have the source code for your template in one place so you don’t have to repeat things like your navigation and footer on every page.


To be able to test the site locally, Jekyll would have to be setup as per the instructions on GitHub's own documentation.

  1. Follow the instructions to install Jekyll and its requirements here. Note that Jekyll is a Ruby gem and requires a Ruby installation.
  2. Open up a terminal and install bundler, also a Ruby gem.
    $ gem install bundler
  3. Install all the required gems.
    $ bundle install
  4. Run the site locally.
    $ bundle exec jekyll serve
  5. The terminal should show the following if the installation is correct.
        Server address:
      Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
  6. Open up or http://localhost:4000/ on a browser to test the site.


Take a look at the Jekyll Step by Step Tutorial to see the different aspects that can be used. Notably, there is currently a single default layout _layouts/default.html which removes the need for repeating the header and footer in every new webpage.