
Attempt at solving some Advent of Code 2022 puzzles using Rust which I have never used before

Primary LanguageRustCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Attempt at solving some Advent of Code 2022 puzzles using Rust which I have never used before.

Thanks to MetroWind/advent2019 and fspoettel/advent-of-code-rust for inspiration on how to structure the project.

Adding a day


Run cargo start-day n where n is the day number


Let us say you are adding day 4

  • Add files inputs/day4.txt and example_inputs/day4.txt and add AOC input
  • Add pub mod day4; into the mod days {...} block in main.rs
  • Add "4" => Box::new(days::day4::Day4 {}), into the match n {...} block in main.rs
  • Create file src/days/day4.rs and implement the Day trait like so:
use crate::days::day;
use crate::days::day::Input;

pub struct Day4 {}

impl day::Day for Day4 {

    fn part_one(&self, input: &Input) -> String {
        return "p1".to_string();

    fn part_two(&self, input: &Input) -> String {
        return "p2".to_string();
  • The type Input passed into part_one and part_two is defined in day.rs, and has two useful methods on it - as_string and as_list. These will get you the relevant day's input parsed as either a String or a Vec<String>. See below for how to use real or example input.


Run a day with example input

cargo run-examples 1

Run a day with real input

cargo run 1

Run all days with real input

cargo run