A large database of R snippets from Stack Overflow, Github and package examples.
You can install the development version of codesamples from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
#> [1] 9738 4
#> [1] 11013 3
#> [1] 6323 3
first_lines <- strsplit(github_data$snippet[[1]], "\n")[[1]][1:23]
cat(first_lines, sep = "\n")
#> #' Extract out common by variables
#> #'
#> #' @export
#> #' @keywords internal
#> common_by <- function(by = NULL, x, y) UseMethod("common_by", by)
#> #' @export
#> common_by.character <- function(by, x, y) {
#> by <- common_by_from_vector(by)
#> common_by.list(by, x, y)
#> }
#> common_by_from_vector <- function(by) {
#> by <- by[!duplicated(by)]
#> by_x <- names(by) %||% by
#> by_y <- unname(by)
#> # If x partially named, assume unnamed are the same in both tables
#> by_x[by_x == ""] <- by_y[by_x == ""]
#> list(x = by_x, y = by_y)
#> }
#> ### Name: densify
#> ### Title: Densify spatial lines or polygons
#> ### Aliases: densify
#> ### ** Examples
#> library(sf)
#> l <- jagged_lines$geometry[[2]]
#> l_dense <- densify(l, n = 2)
#> plot(l, lwd = 5)
#> plot(l_dense, col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 2, add = TRUE)
#> plot(l_dense %>% st_cast("MULTIPOINT"), col = "red", pch = 19,
#> add = TRUE)
#> dyn.load("power.dll") # dll created with gfortran -shared -fPIC -o power.dll power.f90
#> x <- 3.0
#> foo <- .C("square_",as.double(x),as.double(0.0))
#> print(foo)
#> bar <- .C("pow_",as.character("c"),as.double(x),as.double(0.0))
#> print(bar)