
cmake task for ant. Tested on Visual Studio 2010, 2012; linux. Simple, easy to configure.

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cmake task for ant. Tested on Visual Studio 2010, 2012; linux. Simple, easy to configure.

Example ant file

<project default="testtask">
    <target name="testtask">
        <property name="generator" value="Unix Makefiles" />
        <property name="cmake_home" value="/usr" />
        <taskdef name="cmake" classname="CMake" classpath="jar/cmake-for-ant.jar" />
        <cmake cmakehome="${cmake_home}" releasetype="Release" generator="${generator}" 
               srcdir="cpp" builddir="cpp/build" />

Then, on linux, we could build this as follows:


(That's it!)

On Window, it's slightly more involved, because we need to specify the version of Visual Studio to use, and the location of cmake:

ant -Dcmake_home="C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake-2.8" -Dgenerator="Visual Studio 10"

or, if we're using Visual Studio 2012:

ant -Dcmake_home="C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake-2.8" -Dgenerator="Visual Studio 11"

In this build.xml file, we can see two parts. Firstly, the definition of the cmake task:

<taskdef name="cmake" classname="CMake" classpath="jar/cmake-for-ant.jar" />

We need to specify the location of the cmake-for-ant.jar file here. The cmake-for-ant.jar file is cross-platform, portable.

Secondly, we run cmake, stating the location of cmake, the release type ("Release" or "Debug"), the cmake generator name, the srcdir containing the build.xml file, and the build directory.

How to build

Clone, eg:

git clone https://github.com/hughperkins/cmake-for-ant.git

Build using ant:

cd cmake-for-ant

You can test it works ok, by building the test project. On linux:

ant test 

On Windows, if you're using Visual Studio 2010:

ant test -Dcmake_home="C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake-2.8" -Dgenerator="Visual Studio 10"

(You will need to modify your cmake home appropriately). If you have Visual Studio 2011:

ant test -Dcmake_home="C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake-2.8" -Dgenerator="Visual Studio 11"

How does it compare to cmakeant?

  • it works with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012
  • it's easy to configure it to point to your CMake installation


Mozilla Public License v2.0

How easy is it to maintain?

It's 110 lines. How hard can it be? :-)


  • Dec 17th 2014:
    • auto-detects windows directory
    • auto-detects 32-bit or 64-bit
    • auto-detects cmake at /usr/bin/cmake or /usr/local/bin/cmake
    • auto-detects cmake at c:\program files (x86)\cmake
    • auto-detects Visual Studio, if installed at c:\program files (x86)