- 1
--open does not work on Windows
#52 opened by pke - 1
release new version
#66 opened by smhg - 2
Unexpected token: ILLEGAL
#49 opened by gimre - 3
Manage external package only bundle
#41 opened by armandabric - 5
fix npm 3 module resolution
#59 opened by yoshuawuyts - 0
Not working with browserify+vue?
#58 opened by nocksock - 0
- 8
Outdated dependency `bl` causing install failure
#46 opened by kumavis - 0
Update d3 to v4 modules
#56 opened by mcnuttandrew - 8
webpack support?
#18 opened by lencioni - 1
error "Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed in strict mode"
#53 opened by crobinson42 - 5
Cannot read property 'source' of undefined
#24 opened by Sinewyk - 4
Wordy treemap
#23 opened by tmcw - 0
- 0
- 1
feature request: console reporter
#39 opened by jasonkarns - 18
- 2
discify missing some scripts
#44 opened by callumacrae - 11
-r seems to break it?
#20 opened by mattdesl - 0
--open in conjunction with --output
#36 opened by jasonkarns - 7
- 1
Cant pipe into discify
#33 opened by kumavis - 2
module not resolving when using disc
#32 opened by kumavis - 2
Flat disc instead of hierarchy
#31 opened by blup - 1
TypeError: Invalid non-string/buffer chunk
#29 opened by cowwoc - 2
Does browserify browserify itself?
#28 opened by chevett - 5
- 2
Error on discify
#22 opened by cappslock - 1
npm install fails
#16 opened by chrisabrams - 16
piping into `discify` does not work
#12 opened by feross - 4
show module version number in UI
#13 opened by Raynos - 3
Make "file size" the default view
#14 opened by feross - 3
Disc is using the wrong buffer
#9 opened by feross - 4
Error: Line 2: Unexpected token :
#10 opened by deathcap - 4
Make node_modules more obvious
#4 opened by ForbesLindesay - 1
browser vs. server
#6 opened by ForbesLindesay - 4
Error: ENOENT, open 'crypto'
#3 opened by mikeal - 2
Cannot call method 'reduce' of undefined
#1 opened by Raynos