
Information about the Meter testnet challenge

Warring Stakes Leader Board

Git Handle Points
dolphintwo 1100
bentiancai629 1100
mstephen5 1000
includeleec 1000
huglester 1000
wetezos 1000
xunppchen 900
rewseRE 800
Tomshi 800
Hashquark-research 700
HeyRoseWu 700
huluyisheng (Wendy) 600
sundafa (Nodeasy) 500
r808-m (pupu) 500
vanguard 500
Bit Cat 500
zbx001 400
ercw 400
easytake 400

Instructions for Participating in the Meter Test Net

If you haven't, please complete the validator application form with your Meter wallet address. Please be aware that the Warring Stakes Testnet is a separate test net from the default wallet configuration and the explorer on our website. You will have to add your node in the wallet and connect to it to see the Warring Stakes Testnet (Selecting the your own node in the main interface) Please also remember to comment on the Github Issue 1 of your validator.


Meter is a hybrid PoW and PoS blockchain system with dual chain structure. All the accounts and transactions are recorded on the PoS chain while PoW chain (currently a modified version of Bitcoin starting from the same genesis of Bitcoin) just maintains the crypto puzzles for mining. The PoW chain submits the solutions for the crypto puzzles to the PoS chain and the winning miners receive reward on their accounts on the PoS chain.

Epoch: Meter operates on epochs, which are signaled by k-blocks (regular blocks are called m-blocks). At the end of epoch, the committee nodes vote on the longest PoW chain and distribute mining rewards to all the PoW miners, it also pass the information to the PoW chain and all the PoW miners will have to start mining for the stamped PoW block. To create a k-block, the PoW chain typically has to have more than 60 blocks. Since the average PoW block period is 1 minute, each epoch is therefore around 1 hour (currently the time for epoch is completely decided by PoW, but we will implement cross interactions for epoch adjustments in the future). On the Warring Stakes test net, we reduced the epoch period to be around 4 minutes to speed up the reproduction of potential bugs. All system financial related activities like reward distribution, entering and exiting the delegate node pool only happens at k-blocks.

It is also required to run both PoS and PoW processes on the same physical or virtual machine to ensure security.

In Meter, there are several types of full nodes in the network:

  1. Regular full node: They sync for each block and can support interactions with wallets
  2. Delegate nodes: These nodes are candidates for the committee nodes and have opportunity to propose and sign blocks. To become a delegate node, the top N (N is a protocol parameter) staked full nodes(including both self staking and votes from other stakers) are the delegate nodes.
  3. Committee nodes: A random subset of the delegate nodes are selected for every epoch. These nodes form a committee quorum and perform consensus. The committee nodes take turns to propose blocks. If a proposed block receives endorsement signatures from 2/3 of nodes in the committee, the signatures form a QC (Quorum Certificate). Each newly proposed block carries QC for the previous block. Once the newly proposed block obtains a QC, the previous block is considered as confirmed and finalized.

In the test net and initial launch of the main net. The number of Delegate Nodes will be the same as the number of the committee nodes. In the future, there maybe a subset of nodes with better performance and network connectivity dedicated as the leaders in the committee nodes.

Requirements for running a delegate/committee node: To achieve the full performance of the Meter network, the recommended hardware configuration is more than 8 compute optimized vCPU, 16GB of memory and 100GB of SSD (AWS c5.2xlarge instance or better). The maximum block size in Meter is around 1.3MB. It is also recommended to have data center class 1Gbps to 10Gbps internet connection. However the Meter consensus protocol is capable of adapting to transaction load, network and node processing speed to some extent by varying the block period from 2 sec to up to 30 sec. The minimum requirement is 2 vCPU and 4GB of memory.

Setting up a full node

Node software is currently provided as docker images. Please refer to Ubuntu Docker Installation Guide.

  1. Obtain the delegates.json file from the GitHub repo to your home directory (the following instructions assumes the user operates in /home/ubuntu/. Please pay attention to the parameters in the commands and replace the path accordingly to your environment, especially the path after -v in docker run commands). This file contains the nodes that validate the genesis blocks and also serves as backup delegate nodes to run the committee in case there is not enough staked delegate nodes to form the committee.
git clone https://github.com/meterio/warringstakes
  1. Prepare host working directory for container It is recommended to have a host working directory for the container to save important keys and block database, so we could retain them in future upgrades. We will create a directory called /home/ubuntu/meter-data (you will have to modify accordingly if you have a different directory structure) and map it to the /pos directory inside the container.
mkdir meter-data
cp ./warringstakes/delegates.json /home/ubuntu/meter-data/.
  1. Launch the Meter container
sudo docker run -e DISCO_SERVER="enode://3011a0740181881c7d4033a83a60f69b68f9aedb0faa784133da84394120ffe9a1686b2af212ffad16fbba88d0ff302f8edb05c99380bd904cbbb96ee4ca8cfb@" -e DISCO_TOPIC="shoal" -e POW_LEADER="" -e COMMITTEE_SIZE="21" -e DELEGATE_SIZE="21" -v /home/ubuntu/meter-data:/pos --network host --name metertest -d dfinlab/meter-all-in-one:latest

In the above command DISCO_SERVER points to the discovery server for other peers in the network. POW_LEADER points to node that could provide peer information for the PoW chain. The two IP addresses should be the same. The committee and delegate size should be configured properly based on the instructions of the test net. It will download the latest container and launch a meter full node

Several useful commands for docker:

sudo docker container ls -l

The output will be like the following:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
260bbd571d1a        dfinlab/meter-all-in-one   "/usr/bin/supervisord"   23 hours ago        Up 23 hours                             metertest
sudo docker container stop metertest              //stop the container
sudo docker container start metertest             //start the container
sudo docker container rm metertest                //remove the container
sudo docker image ls
sudo docker image rm [image ID]                   //remove the container image, will trigger redownloading the image at the next docker run, it is recommended to do this every time we upgrade the testnet
sudo docker container exec -it metertest bash     //launch a bash in the container

The log files can be located inside the container, under /var/log/supervisor directory. If you file any bugs, please remember to attach the logs for PoS (both the stderr and stdout) in the bug. You could either copy and paste the log or use

sudo docker cp metertest:/var/log/supervisor/[LogFileNameHere]     //replace with the log file name

After confirming the node is running properly through the log, you could then connect the desktop wallet to your own full node.

  1. Download Meter desktop wallet and connect to your own full node In the settings of the wallet, under node, you could and connect add your own full node by adding http://IPaddrOfYourNode:8669 . The icon in the left of the address bar should turn green if everything is running properly. You could use the explorer inside the wallet to look at the status of the block productions. You should also create an account. Please make sure you keep the mnemonics in a secure location, you will need them to retrieve your account when we switching between the test nets and it should also work on the future main net. Please contact a team member to obtain MTRG and MTR test tokens.

Adding Your Node in Wallet Settings Connecting to Your Node

Become a delegate node

Becoming a delegate node requires staking MTRG tokens. You will have to have both MTR and MTRG tokens in order to perform the transaction.

  1. Configure network ports for your node. It is recommended to have a public IP address if you want to become a delegate node and have the following ports open for inbound TCP connections
Port Range Functions
9209 PoW P2P
8332 PoW API
8669 Wallet REST API
8670-8671 PoW/PoS Messages
55555 Discovery Server
11235 PoS P2P
9100 node explorers
  1. Become a candidate In the desktop wallet, under the "Candidate" tab, you could self elect to be a candidate for delegate node by staking at least 2 MTRG tokens and input all the required information for your node (currently the port configuration is not used, the code will always port 8670 for P2P communications and messaging). When filling in the "Candidate" tab, you will have to name your validator, put in the IP address of your node and also submit the public key used to sign the block proposals (this is a different public key than the one generated in the wallet, you could find it under the /pos/public.key file inside the docker container, its corresponding private key is in the master.key file) You could have other accounts delegate their votes to you as well to increase the chance of becoming a delegate node. The candidate transaction is recorded immediately and the node could start to receive votes. However, the votes won't be counted until the next k-block even with enough votes. You could check the list of candidate nodes through http://IPaddrOfYourNode:8669/staking/candidates

Please be aware that the public.key file in the docker container is generated when the container is launched. If you start a container from scratch, the public.key will be different from the one you used for the "Candidate" transaction. You could either "Uncandidate" and "Candidate" again with the new public key or change the public key to the one you used before.

  1. Become a delegate node If a candidate receives enough votes and ranked in the top N candidate nodes, it will become a delegate node. You could find the list of delegates through http://IPaddrOfYourNode:8669/staking/delegates

Update meter docker image without losing any data/configuration

  1. Backup meter data/config folder (the following command is only needed when you did not map the host /home/ubuntu/meter-data directory when you started the container)
sudo docker cp metertest:/pos /home/ubuntu/meter-data

If you look into the meter-data directory, there are three files that are important to keep: delegates.json, master.key and public.key. There is also file called consensus.key. It is the BLS key for the last epoch when the node was in the committee. We suggest removing this file each time when you restart the container. In addition, there are also several other files and directories in this folder, we suggest you to delete them as well on the testnet. This will cause the database to resync

  1. Stop and delete the current docker container
sudo docker rm -f metertest
  1. Pull the latest meter docker image
sudo docker pull dfinlab/meter-all-in-one:latest
  1. Force Resync block history and remove unused BLS keys (Recommended)
sudo rm -rf /home/ubuntu/meter-data/instance-9eeef4f05bf08063
sudo rm -rf consensus.key
  1. Start the container and mount the host data backup folder to the pos folder inside the container -v /home/ubuntu/meter-data:/pos
sudo docker run -e DISCO_SERVER="enode://3011a0740181881c7d4033a83a60f69b68f9aedb0faa784133da84394120ffe9a1686b2af212ffad16fbba88d0ff302f8edb05c99380bd904cbbb96ee4ca8cfb@" -e DISCO_TOPIC="shoal" -e POW_LEADER="" -e COMMITTEE_SIZE="21" -e DELEGATE_SIZE="21" -v /home/ubuntu/meter-data:/pos --network host --name metertest -d dfinlab/meter-all-in-one:latest

After step 1 is completed, you will only need to repeat step 2 to 4 each time upgrading the docker image

Setting up automatic update for Meter Docker images

We have also prepared a watchtower container which will automatically check if there is any newly released docker image for Meter and upgrade accordingly.

sudo docker run -d --name watchtower -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower --enable-lifecycle-hooks --interval 10 metertest