
A lightweight http server that will always send the same answer. You can use it to debug, test or redirect. Not production ready.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A lightweight http server that will always send the same answer. You can use it to debug, test or redirect. Not production ready.

Configure your message

You can configure your message by changing environment variables that are going to be read at execution time.

Name Default Description
REC_PORT 8000 Server listening port
REC_HTTP_CODE 200 Http response code to be returned
REC_HTTP_STATUS OK The http response message status, if not set default messages for the selected REC_HTTP_CODE will be used
REC_HTTP_VERSION Based on http request The http version used in the message, if not set the request will dictate the version
REC_HTTP_HEADERS Content-Length=0 The http headers to be sent on the response, headers must be separated by ';' and header name and value must also be separated with '='. Example: 'Header1=Value1;Header2=Value2;Header3=Value3'
REC_HTTP_PAYLOAD none The Http body to be sent in the response, no body is sent by default. The header 'Content-Length' is not automatically set.