LivePersonaCard control

Adds the out-of-the-box Office 365 live persona card to any element in your page.

Profile information is automatically provided by the live persona card.

LivePersonaCard control output

NOTE: The control provided in this solution is intended for sample purposes only. It is not supported (or recommended) for use in production solutions, as Microsoft may change how the LivePersonaCard control is implemented at any time, without notice. Don't say I didn't warn you.

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Copy the files from the controls/LivePersonaCard in your solution.
import { LivePersonaCard } from '../../../controls/LivePersonaCard';
  • Use the LivePersonaCard control in your code as follows:
// To show the current user's live persona card around text displaying their name
  <!-- You can put any valid HTML inside -->

// If you do not pass elements within the live person card, it will automatically
// attempt to render a default person card. It will retrieve the user's name, email
// and profile image from the `user` prop.
<h3>LivePersonaCard with no children -- renders default persona card</h3>

// You can also override the persona by passing custom properties
<h3>LivePersonaCard with custom persona props</h3>
    text: 'User McUserface',
    imageUrl: '',
    imageInitials: '?'

// You can display a live persona card for any users, not just the current user
//  -- including external users. Just pass the user's display name and email
<h3>LivePersonaCard with external user</h3>
    displayName: 'Hugo Bernier',
    email: '',
    imageUrl: '',
    secondaryText: 'Not his real email'

The code above will render the following: LivePersonaCard code sample output


The LivePersonaCard component can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
className string no Optional additional CSS class(es) to apply to the LivePersonaCard.
onCardCloseCallback Function no Optional callback for when LivePersonaCard is closed
onCardOpenCallback Function no Optional callback for when LivePersonaCard is opened
personaProps IPersonaProps no Optional properties to render the default persona card when no children are passed. If children are passed to the LivePersonaCard, this value will be ignored.
serviceScope ServiceScope yes The associated ServiceScope for this component. Simply use this.props.context.serviceScope from most components.
user ILivePersonaCardUser yes The user for whom you wish to render the live persona card. You can use this.props.context.pageContext.user to display the current user, or pass displayName and email or loginName for any other user

ILivePersonaCardUser interface

Property Type Required Description
displayName string yes The display name for the current user. E.g.: "John Doe"
email string no The email address for the current user. E.g.: "". You must specify either an email or a loginName
isExternalGuestUser boolean no Returns if the current user is an anonymous guest. Reserved for future use
loginName string no The login name for current user. E.g.: on-premise user: "domain\user", online user: "". You must specify either a loginName' or an email