A Deno module for transform Deno package to NodeJS package.
This is a modified edition of the JSR package dnt
which aim for:
- Always ModuleJS
- Improve file structure
- Unify configuration
Remote | |
Deno >= v1.46.0 | ✔️ |
- It is possible to use this module in other methods/ways which not listed in here, however those methods/ways are not officially supported, and should beware maybe cause security issues.
- Remote - GitHub Raw:
For usage of remote resources, it is recommended to import the entire module with the main path
, however it is also able to import part of the module with sub path if available, but do not import if:- it's path has an underscore prefix (e.g.:
), or - it is a benchmark or test file (e.g.:
), or - it's symbol has an underscore prefix (e.g.:
These elements are not considered part of the public API, thus no stability is guaranteed for them.
- it's path has an underscore prefix (e.g.:
It is recommended to use this module with tag for immutability.
- Environment Variable [Deno:
]- Resources
- File System - Read [Deno:
]- Resources
- File System - Write [Deno:
]- Resources
- Network [Deno:
]- Resources
function invokeDenoNodeJSTransformer(options: DenoNodeJSTransformerOptions): Promise<void>;
interface DenoNodeJSTransformerOptions { assetsCopy?: (string | DenoNodeJSTransformerAssetsCopyOptions)[]; emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean; entrypoints: DenoNodeJSTransformerEntrypoint[]; filterDiagnostic?: BuildOptions["filterDiagnostic"]; generateDeclaration?: boolean; generateDeclarationMap?: boolean; importsMap?: string; lib?: LibName[]; libCheck?: boolean; mappings?: SpecifierMappings; metadata: Metadata; outputDirectory?: string; outputDirectoryPreEmpty?: boolean; root?: string; shims?: DenoNodeJSTransformerShimOptions; target?: ScriptTarget; useTSLibHelper?: boolean; noImplicitAny?: boolean; noImplicitReturns?: boolean; noImplicitThis?: boolean; noStrictGenericChecks?: boolean; noUncheckedIndexedAccess?: boolean; strictBindCallApply?: boolean; strictFunctionTypes?: boolean; strictNullChecks?: boolean; strictPropertyInitialization?: boolean; useUnknownInCatchVariables?: boolean; }
- For the full or prettier documentation, can visit via:
await invokeDenoNodeJSTransformer({ entrypoints: [{ name: ".", path: "mod.ts" }], metadata: { name: "@hugoalh/deno-nodejs-transformer-test", version: "0.1.0", description: "Demo of Deno NodeJS Transformer.", keywords: [ "dnt", "test" ], homepage: "https://github.com/hugoalh/deno-nodejs-transformer#readme", bugs: { url: "https://github.com/hugoalh/deno-nodejs-transformer/issues" }, license: "MIT", author: "hugoalh", repository: { type: "git", url: "git+https://github.com/hugoalh/deno-nodejs-transformer.git" }, scripts: { }, engines: { node: ">=16.13.0" }, private: false, publishConfig: { access: "public" } }, outputDirectory: "npm", outputDirectoryPreEmpty: true });