
App Template

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Backend base application 🚀 - template


🔖  About

This is a template for create the backend with postgres using NodeJs.

💻  Tecnologies

  • NodeJs
  • Fastify (JWT, CORS)
  • Prisma
  • Typescript
  • EsLint (Rocketseat configs)

🛠️  Instalation

  1. Need make the .env file, based in .env.example!
  • Inside.env file add the variable database example (I using the POSTGRESQL)
  1. Need install all dependencies
npm install
  1. Need run docker-compose to start Postgres Database!
docker-compose up
  1. Need run the seed script, for populate the database with users!
npx prisma db seed -- --environment development

🏃  Run application

npm run start:dev # development

🏃  Routes

  • '[POST]': /login (public)
  • '[GET]': /users (private)
  • '[POST]': /users (private)
PS: # For private routes, you need to make the login and get the token for authorization. 
      # Add in the headers: Authorization: Bearer {token}.

✨  Branch patterns

Follow this patterns:

  • New branchs: feature/[StoryID] bugfix/[BugID] release/[ReleaseCardId]

✨  Patterns Commit - Commitlint

Follow the Conventional Commits:

Conventional Commits types for using::

  • chore: Update of tasks that do not cause changes in production code, but involve tool changes, configuration changes, and library updates.
  • feat: Additions of new features or any other new implementations to the code.
  • fix: Essentially define the treatment of bug fixes.
  • refactor: Used for any changes that are executed in the code, but do not alter the final functionality of the impacted task.
  • docs: Inclusion or modification only of documentation files.
  • perf: A code change that improves performance.
  • style: Changes related to code formatting that do not affect the meaning of the code, such as whitespace, formatting, missing semicolon, etc.
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests in automated testing processes (TDD).
  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm).
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs).
  • env: Used in the description of modifications or additions in configuration files in continuous integration (CI) processes and methods, such as parameters in container configuration files. For example:
type: brief description what was done.
feat: added the page footer

🦸  Autor

Hello, I'm Hugo Almeida, I'm a fullstack architect (mobile++) . I am passionate about technology, programming, processes and planning. I united all these passions in one profession. Questions, suggestions and criticism are very welcome. Follow my contacts.

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