
Support for Control Rig

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I love your plugin, but it seems to not activate with Control Rig graphs? While that is still an experimental feature in the form of a plugin, it is very much usable already and some of us are developing for it.

Yes, as Lucas stated, this is not possible yet...

Here's what happen with "standard" blueprints:

1. Default wire style
2. Electronic nodes wire style injection

Here's what happen with "plugins" blueprints:

1. Default wire style
2. Electronic nodes wire style injection
3. Plugin wire style injection

So the plugin define the wire style AFTER Electronic Nodes. And based on my knowledge, it's not possible to bypass it yet without recompiling the whole engine. Here's two possible ways I can bypass that:

  • Either I find a big C++ hack to bypass it (I didn't find one yet)
  • Or the Unreal Engine evolve to be able to inject the wire style after the plugin

