A customized gym environment for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms in crypto trading.
- 9
some questions
#10 opened by Payback80 - 0
error while running python
#27 opened by dolphincodes - 5
- 8
- 5
AttributeError: 'IndicatorforRL' object has no attribute 'ohlcvdata_to_dataframe'
#23 opened by sn3fru - 2
Example for RLlib
#24 opened by t3ch9 - 2
- 2
Adding Trade Information to the observation space
#16 opened by Hsgngr - 4
neat_config not found on the repo
#20 opened by raedkit - 4
The file model could not be found
#19 opened by NL647 - 0
which model should I pass as a parameter to ACER
#22 opened by sn3fru - 0
Profitable training
#21 opened by brusand - 1
How to use RLlib model for trading?
#17 opened by dolphincodes - 1
- 6
- 1
Adding multiple tickers to white pairlist
#15 opened by Hsgngr - 2
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The best backtests results
#14 opened by xsa-dev - 5
No results
#6 opened by matteomolino - 3
Tensorflow Version
#11 opened by XL-Reaper - 1
don't work whit tensorflow 2
#9 opened by TekpreXyz - 2
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- 1
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How to Use
#1 opened by awwea