
This program allows a user to optimize their diet using an api called openfoodfacts.

Primary LanguagePython


What's that?

it is a terminal application that allows an individual to search for healthy foods based on a category of food sought.

When did you work on it?

I started this project on June 5, 2020 during the beginning of my python training.

My progress

The project is not finished yet and some improvements will be made soon.

What's in it?

The project works mainly thanks to its database and the data provided by the openfoodfacts api. The algorithm selects the best product thanks to these sql queries that you will find in the DatabaseManager class.

How do we set it up?

To launch my project, you have to clone the folder with a git clone then install the packages with the command pip install -r requirements.txt then install the database in your sql emulator with the file food_substitute_bdd.sql. Once you have done all this, you can run the main.py file and have fun ;)